She did more than have a tantrum or an outburst. She treatened to KILL the line judge. She needs to be held accountable. I hope that line judge gets a good lawyer and puts charges against her.
Serena Williams "witnessing" to the line judge at the US Open!
by losthusband 37 Replies latest jw friends
MEGAFLOWER- I agree. Serena DOES need to be held accountable for her actions. Perhaps the tennis association will fine her for her dropping F-bombs . If I was a betting man I'd say the tennis association will discipline her more than the WT society will. And you know why ? Because the WT society benefits most probably from her sizeable donations to their mind controlling causes. Unfortunately money talks
I see this attitude all the time by this generation. They think they are teflon coated and immortal, they think they are entitled to everything right now, and they aren't afraid to be confrontational and mean to get it. They are bullies. She's no different than what I see every day from neighbors, on the commuter train, and around town.
Having said that, yes, she should be accountable for it. Someone has to show her and any others like her, that there is accountability for your actions. I call it karma, you call it what you will.
Reproval is the most that will happen. She isn't baptised and she didn't make any statements that could be construed as apostate, she wasn't boinking anyone, she just used rank language and was public about it. Plus, she is rich.
JOHN DOE - I don't know what sports you play, but if I was to say "I would ram a f'ing tennis ball down someones f'ing throat til they died" to an official whilst playing any sport I would expect to be banned for a long time!!
If I said it to a member of the public I would expect a visit from the police!!
My, my, my how JWs have changed - I mean really changed.
In past decades, famous people gave up or heavily reduced the amount of time and energy they devoted to their "worldy gifts" in the service of becoming a JW: Look at Mickey Spillane, Hank Marvin, Eve Arden and Huey "piano" Smith.
Nowadays, membership as a JW is simply an "extra" dimension of famous people's lives and they are free to devote the bulk of their time and energy to making a name for themselves: Prince and Serena are two of the most obvious examples.
Yes, there's a creeping, inexorable mainstreaming of the JW faith which is fine, yet given the exclusivist claims the JWs make (e.g., how they are significantly different from people in the world and are the sole purveyors of "Truth"), more should be expected of them. It's kind of anti-climactic to realize they are just like everyone else.
yadda yadda 2
What exactly did she say to the line judge please?
John Doe
JOHN DOE - I don't know what sports you play, but if I was to say "I would ram a f'ing tennis ball down someones f'ing throat til they died" to an official whilst playing any sport I would expect to be banned for a long time!!
Oh give me a break. People tend to exaggerate when they lose their cool. If you haven't said something similar in a heated moment, you're either lying or you're not human. Take your pick.
John Doe
I'll guarantee you that if it had been anyone but a jw, no one here would have even commented or cared.
I honestly don't care