I address this question to the Governing Body, to their internet monitors or to any apologist who might want to speak for them.
Why do you want disloyal people in your "clean" organization?
It should be evident by now that an untold number of people in the organization do not really want to be Jehovah's Witnesses any longer. Specifically, they don't want to attend meetings, or to donate money to the WorldWide Work, or spend real time going door to door. They are consorting with outright apostates on the internet and turning in fake field service reports and spilling confidential material online.
Why do you want to hold on to them? How does retaining dissenters benefit you?
I suppose the answer to the above is that you feel "We can't let go of shunning and disfellowshipping". Really? Can't you create a more moderate outlook on shunning family members? Can you establish an unannounced hard cutoff for judicial action on people who fade away? That they are not 'disassociated' but simply no different from a 'worldly' neighbor?
Are you afraid that the organization will crumble to pieces if you make these changes? Well, if that's true, then what does it say about the publishers that you have gathered? That they serve out of compulsion or fear? That they do not serve because of "love"? That they need threats of loss of family and friends to keep them in line?
But aren't there many churches with zealous and fanatical members who attend and contribute without threats such as the Watchtower insists on? Are Mormons more moderate in their church discipline? Do born again churches function without the sort of legalistic view that the Society insists upon? Are there still lots of zealous Catholics around even though the threat of excommunication is remote?
Now, we might as well use other churches as a comparison, Brothers, because it should be plain by this point that your self praised Organization isn't spiritually clean anyway - the problem of internal dissension as above disproves it!
Why do you endlessly waste paper on Watchtower articles that order your flock to obey and be loyal when it is manifest that it isn't working? When is enough.....enough?
It was nothing but stubborness and greed to dominate others that motivated Pharoah to refuse to let Moses' people go. Is that your problem too?