I knwo where you are coming from, I don't like it either because it almost gives the impression that people facing hardships are "cursed" by God and we know that is not the case.
See, random crap happens to random people, good or bad, God has nothing to do with it.
When I pray to God I pray for him to give me strength to deal with adversity and when things go ok I thank him for that strength and I thank him for blessing me with helping me SEE the good I have, along with the bad.
I know a few people that tend to "slather on the b lessings", they do that to make themselves feel better, its a security issue and you shouldn't get to upset with them because that haven't really thought it through what they are saying and the repercussions of what it means.
But don't feel angry, disappointed perhaps or even feel disilusioned that they don't see that what they are saying is hurtful, but not anger.