Another site taken down but this one is a "good and obedient" witness. (as opposed to that seems to see the light and does it the true and right way, way to go!)
An End to the Daily Texts.
Due to the discovery of copyright issues, I will be unable to post any more daily texts online.
I am so sorry to all my readers out there!
If you have any questions about the Bible, then please feel free to contact me by email at [email protected], and I will do my best to answer you as well as I can.
There is also an official Jehovah's Witness Website at:
that you can go on, to find out anything that may be of interest to you.
If any of my brother or sister Witnesses calls on you, then please feel free to ask them anything that may have been brought up on this site to do with the Bible. We are always there to listen, and to answer any question you may have about the Bible.
If you wish to have your own copy of Examining the Scriptures, published by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, I'm sure they will be happy to provide you with a copy, along with any other of the many Bible study books that have been printed to help anyone searching for the Truth.
May Jehovah keep you safe in His care, and may you come to an accurate knowledge of His Truth.