big tex:
What pisses me off are the parents who do all the work and then step back and say their kid did it.
not happening in this household.... the completed project will look like an 8 year old, albeit one in the gifted program, did it...because he will do matter how tired his mom and I are tonight... besides, the teachers know the difference between 8 and 42 YO work....
I think kids should do more of these things....but at least in the early (before grade 6) year. By the time the kids get to middle/high school, then they should have absolutely no excuse for having any parental assistance, except for obtaining appropriate supplies at the store.
If you do the work for him, he'll never learn to do it himself, which presumably is the point of this exercise.
not going to do the work for him.... i will gather all of the needed supplies....provide support...but support does not include copying all of the facts..he has to type those himself (they said print or type..his handwriting dictates typing, which he is good at)...and he has to glue all of the cards, pictures, drawings, etc to the poster himself, decorate it himself, write up his presentation cards himself.
If I hadnt did the "quick and dirty" searches myself, I would never have gotten on my own computer to do what I needed/wanted to do... (their computer is not hooked up yet..I have to go get the router today and get their computer here tomorrow...too late for the assignment...
Snakes (Rich )