I personally believe that race was a motivator in this incident.
by John Doe 50 Replies latest jw friends
Refresh my memory JD.......
When in Kanye's rant did he explicitly mention race?
I personally don't think Mel is anti-semitic so much he was being a drunk verbally abusive and provoking ass.
Media hypes things because it is an easy story to garner attention.......
I personally believe that race was a motivator in this incident.
Yknot impersonating JD: ......Beks, Care to explain why....
Where is our society headed?
To a bad place, I fear. Remember the movie titled "There Will Be Blood"? I think this all is going to escalate and 'there will be blood' - the only real question is - will the spilling of blood make people wake up - or will it just devolve into anarchy and civil war? This is bad juju for sure. If only people would stop NOW, before someone gets hurt. But the hatred is strong. It seems that when hatred and anger is strong, it is more powerful than any other emotion.
John Doe
You can't impose an accusation of "double-standard" unless there is a level playing field to begin with - which there clearly is not.
I don't agree. You're effectively saying there is never a basis for a double standard comparison, because there is never an equal playing field. No two people come from the same background or have equal lives. Such considerations should have nothing to do with an analysis of racially biased behavior.
John Doe
When in Kanye's rant did he explicitly mention race?
Had he explicitly mentioned race, there would be no room for discussion. The discussion invovles what was implicit in his actions.
Bizz.....What no paradise earth with pet straw-eating lions for all.....(sorry I couldn't help myself)
I guess I live in a pretty race neutral area.....(okay we got issues with illegal aliens, even though we have sympathy for their personal plight).
I wasn't raised to judge anyone by race (redheads however have tempers watch-out!), we were all one big family. Yes there can be cultural differences just like there are generational differences but for the most part everybody gets along as long as nobody starts suggesting we divide up by race or ethnicity or by hair color or by.....(insert division).
He probably would have jumped up on stage still if Ms. B was pink with silver stripes.... he has a personal relationship with Mr & Ms Jay-Z and he was in his own mind probably defending his friend who he felt was dissed by MTV.
Ahhh, well that is why we have judges and juries, not just the rule of law. Different circumstances must be evaluated differently - a deeply engrained part of our justice system, for good reason. In this particular instance, feeling part of a marginalized, historically persecuted minority would carry weight, whereas being part of the dominant majority would change the landscape in terms of motivation.
Having said that, Kanye behaved like an A-hole. Had Alan Jackson behaved similarly, he would deserve to be labelled A-hole. We may reach the same conclusion, but the path to getting there is not the same.
Does anyone display bad behaviour without being racially motivated?
Maybe people don't want to be held accountable for their own individual actions any longer,
like it's all some sort of collective thing.
it seems we are making racism an acceptable unacceptable excuse for everything now.
Like a nation of armchair therapists.