It seems there have been a number of changes in the WTBS corporations over the last few years, as well as changes in meetings etc. Maybe somebody has already thought of this and I missed it. This thought was sparked by the thread about them going after another website quoting their material.
I think the Watchtower is about to divide its religious and secular functions completely. I'm not sure their attempts to control quote type websites will withstand a serious legal challange. They can do it right now because they haven't run up against somebody with the money and guts to fight back. When that happens they are going to be in for a fight, and one they may lose. They are also have legal problems over the pedophile problem, and tax issues. Putting some sort of wall between the religion (The Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses) and the publishing company (WTBS and related entities) would make a lot of sense. It separates the two functions and shields the assets to some degree.
What I can't figure out is how they intend to retain control of the publisher once they've made the separation. Failure to do so correctly would not shield the assets, but maybe some smart lawyers can figure it out for them. I think the changes in the meeting schedule may tie into this, again I'm not sure where they think they're going to go. It will be hard to have sales rallies for a product line that is no longer yours. Field service is already useless, they can find some other useless activity for everybody, or who knows maybe they'll mainstream and go to work on real charity activities.
Just my .02