But you appealed???? I just want you back...sorry...blah...im really feeling for you.....im not wanting to come across wrong but my heart hurts..want you back.
Back Again about Disfellowshipment.... Please Help!!
by Butterflyleia85 54 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Well if you don't agree with Disfellowshipment then you will be considered not following God's Arrangement, Angle Eyes. That is what one of the elders told me. And I beat around with tactful words and said but I do agree with God's organization (but in my head, nope never did never will like the disfellowshipment act, even when I was 10 I still sneaked a smile and said hello to the disfellowshiped ones letting them know I was thinking of them) I always been sorta a rebel as a Jehovah Witness just cause I did more motives with my heart then logic I guess.
But when it came down to the broken hearted and crushed in spirit, I reached out, even in the fire I reach out. (hence why I got DF the first time... I fell in love with a DF guy...) hmmm kinda reminds me of what you are doing right now angel eyes. I'm not trying scare you but seriously I believe if you are caught wondering around in danger zone according to elders you will be counseled. I learned the hard way... I found I need to take care of myself and my family and safe guard them from harm first. If it is my family I am protecting by letting them not know the sad but true thing I'm learning on here so be it. I rather be accountable and them feel good for what they are doing then confuse them and make them even more afraid to talk to me. As for myself I need to know I am not doomed to die because I am Disfellowshipped!! I love my fiance and I want children with him I don't want my family to live in fear and guilt and confusion of what is ok and what is not. Not like I did. So I need to get out of this, get out of being JW and have another way of getting there a new direction lead I can trust and follow. No BS. No tickle of the ears but straight up... A new hope for the Future. And peace at heart.
Angel Eyes you are such a sweet soul......
Butterflyleia initial intention was to be a good returning dubbie however her Elder's inaction to spur (upbuild and encourage) her into zealousness has resulted in her discerning WTS at deeper levels (like why isn't her repentance enough, what qualifies to them as Elders (bound to abide by WTS directives over Bible principle) as repentance). This always results in the individual JW separating universal doctrines of the Bible, interpretations and policy of the WTS. In learning about WTS history an individual learns how much of this going beyond is determined by the prevailing personality in charge opinons. Afterwards the areas where the WTS 'goes beyond scripture' begin to leap off the pages of the publications.
Also take into consideration all the changes in the last 2 years...... instead of suffering social shunning for misleading millions for decades and returning to 'old light' the WTS (and often Elders who err privately) are given the veil of 'imperfection' rather then demands of proving repentance being shunned by members.
I appreciate your heartfelt expression toward Butterflyleia's response and hope I have shed some more light into her situation......
angel eyes
I do agree with Df hun, was just saying i have friends who are reinstated and id never keep my distance just because they had done something wrong. I just want you back because I can feel your pain and love for Jah.... Yes i also smile at df ones but elders have said thats fine aslong as im not talking unless having to, but a simple smile just lets them know im awaiting there return so we can become friends and have great times ahead.
I cant not want to hold on to you...im sorry but satan has a fight on his hands......
angel eyes
Thanks yknot....love and hugs to you
AE's I can never be R/Ied because of the lies of the BoE's at my K/H, and also I have committed no spiritual sin, aslo I cant show repentance for something I have not done
angel eyes
I dont know what your circumstances were/are JB so i cant comment...but i (and this is just me personally) would be repentent even if id not done what they had accused me of...yup going on say im stu[id..BUT I couldnt ever be removed from Jehovah....id do ANYTHING!!! for Jah and satan wont take me...never.... Although im aware "he who thinks he is standing..." i dont think im standing...i know im holding onto Jah with both hands.
AE, what you just stated you would do would be a sin according to Paul.
Romans ch 14, which talks extensively of the use of ones own conscience ends in verse 23 like this:
- 23
- But whoever has doubts is condemned if he eats, because this is not from faith; for whatever is not from faith is sin. 5
That comment of yours makes me very sad. It has reduced God to a human organization. I hope oyu will think about what you said to JB.
I'm closer to Jerkhoobah and Jesus AE's then in all the years I was a member of the WTS
angel eyes
?? I said thats what I would do...... not saying he should of or anyone else would or should....but I, ME personally,id do anything..thats just me.....
and my conscience would say to repent.....even if i hadnt done the wrong....my conscience would WANT me to remain with Jah,