It seems like he just up and left.
Whatever Happened To BonaFide?
by minimus 12 Replies latest jw friends
Bethel heard he was "going to bring down the organization in 12 months" so they put a contract out on him.
He sleeps with the fishes.
If I remember correctly, he said that he wouldn't be posting here while he was carrying out his plan to bring down the Watchtower.
Bethel heard he was "going to bring down the organization in 12 months" so they put a contract out on him.
He sleeps with the fishes.
Could this be him?
That pic is so gross. Yeah, I'm waiting for the end of the BORG already...
i miss him
He is in his own terms "Embracing the Hypocrisy".
I hope he is passing his classes and planning his enrollment in further courses!
We all respond differently when we discover the deception of the WTS and he has taken it hard based on his previous dedication.
I hope he has some success or at the very least finds peace....
(((BF if you are lurking give a shout out will ya!......or PM me)))
I kind of think he was not welcomed with much open reception at times. And perhaps this discouraged him. I hope he is ok
he had some good thoughts.
As a former Circuit Overseer, he was supposed to be on the inside track. I saw him asking for more opinions from us than not.
I must admit I was supiscious that he was a Bethel Spy, I hope not.and as with other posters I wish him well, and his Plan, if it is still in action.
If you do read this, BF, please be re-assured that we will welcome you back, if your plan has foundered, so what ? you tried,which is more than we did.
Perhaps your plan is still in the making ,and we will look on in amazement as the Borg implodes, I DO HOPE SO !