Help needed: Written material regarding shunning of DF'd and DA'd individuals

by EdenOne 68 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • WheninDoubt

    Wow! to compare killing and shunning, that’s a desperate act of a faithless person. Even the 10 commandments attested to that. You are correct, you know nothing about man’s laws and how there implemented, and even less about true religion and how religions need to conform to the laws of the land to be active in that society.

    So continue to impress your audience, you have the last word, enjoy your European life. However, I don’t believe your Europe is better than anyone else.

    Excommunication is really a kind of banishment, a punishment that's handed out by a church when one of its members breaks some important church rule. The Latin root is excommunicare, meaning "put out of the community," which is just what happens when a person is excommunicated.

    ex·com·mu·ni·cat·ed, ex·com·mu·ni·cat·ing, ex·com·mu·ni·cates

    1. To deprive of the right of church membership by ecclesiastical authority.

    2. To exclude by or as if by decree from membership or participation in a group.

  • EdenOne

    Since you still don't address the issue of shunning as a violation of human rights, and all you attempt is to derail this thread, you don't merit a reply. And still, you show a great lack of knowledge about the Catholic excommunication. I suggest you start a new thread on how excommunication and shunning are good, loving and lawful.


  • Question_Mans_interpretation
  • berrygerry

    Wow! to compare killing and shunning, that’s a desperate act of a faithless person.

    Do you not know any JW's that have committed suicide?

    That has been posted about multiple times.

    Most know about 3.

    I know 6 (not including countless unsuccessful attempts).

    Only one spirit being named in the Bible loves the JW cult of death.

  • gone for good
    gone for good


    Lots of good reading in your thread.

    Lots of good reading in psycology blogs too -about the harm that is done not only to the shunned but to the shunner as well (guilt, shame, coercion) . Seems shunning is part of the human arsenal for social survival, and admit it or not - we all do it under sometimes amusing and varied circumstances - but never a good vehicle to convey your love, compassion and concern for another human being.

    The industrial scale, compulsory, coerced shunning by ignorant bullies is not a personal choice or individual response to a private personal situation -

    A generation ago European Jews were publicly shown to be enjoying a beautiful, care free period as the state provided their every need - simple re-education and re-adjustment of their thinking . In a quiet setting, away from all the stress and responsibilities of the rest of society, and their families and friends - it was all for their own good, so, no expense was spared. The gas chambers operated around the clock.

    Minions today claim to believe that separating people from family and friends is a charitable, loving and benevolent act, and cast their full support behind the notion, because if they don't, the same WT blessings and love will crush them out of cult existence too


  • EndofMysteries
  • theGreenWitness

    Hi EdenOne, me and my significant other are caught up in a messed up disfellowshipping situation ourselves. We haven't been disfellowshipped yet, but the nature of the situation means it is an eventuality likely to happen this year. We are deeply hurt by the controlling and unloving stance the organisation takes, despite even our elders showing sympathy for the problem, even they openly admit their hands are tied (we are lucky to have such considerate elders). We feel the grounds for the way we are being treated is both wrong and immoral. Such control over peoples lives as used by the emotional blackmailing nature of disfellowshipping should not happen. We would love to help, as we came to the same conclusion (before finding this thread) that it is against human rights for this to be happening.

  • EdenOne

    I have experienced shunning and I'm not even DF'd. That's how stupid this is. When the rumor is out that you dare to disagree with the Governing Body, and an Elder slips out (usually to wife) that you have "apostate" thoughts, you're toast. The word gets out and gets passed around, way beyond your congregation. Some will think you're already DF'd and won't bother to check the story, and will shun you by default, just to be safe. Your loving brothers and sisters will never look at you the same way, even if you're still officially a Witness. My best friend told my wife that she can't even look me in the eyes anymore, so disgrunted she is with me going inactive. As if I had the plague and a simple eye contact could propagate my 'disease'.


  • EdenOne

    Another thing: When you leave, either by going inactive, fading, DF'd or DA'd, you can prepare yourself in advance for shunning, so that it doesn't come as a surprise. However, nothing can properly prepare you for the brutal impact of shunning once you experience what it is to become an object of shunning. It makes you sick, depressed, angered, revolted, no matter how 'prepared' you think you are.


  • DesirousOfChange

    I think they are busy trying to spin the DF policy into a "good" thing. April 15, 2015 WT pg 29 -- "Why DFing is a Loving Arrangement".

    The strongest negative statement in it says:

    "All in the congregation can show principled
    love by avoiding contact and conversation
    with the disfellowshipped person. (1 Cor. 5:11;
    2 John 10, 11) They thus reinforce the discipline
    that Jehovah has given him through the elders."

    They're backpedaling on their harsh statements, but I don't think they're considering going soft on the DF Policy.


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