Through out the WTS history it has claimed to be the only channel that God has selected to be his mouthpiece on Earth, it calls itself ; The Greater David, The Jonnadab Class, The Faithful and Discreet Slave, The Elijah Class, The Fulfillers of Trumpet Blasts in Revelation, so on and so forth. Yet from it's inception by CT Russel it promoted a unique brand of Biblical beliefs that were meant to be accepted as Bible truth, 1799 1874/1914, Miracle Wheat, The Pleiades Star Constellation, the Occult content found in The Studies in the Scriptures/Divine Plan of the Ages etc, would Jesus himself have selected a religious group who were promoting such beliefs? Impossible, also Russel was embroiled in a serious sex scandal that was never satisfactorily answered.
The reign of Joe Rutherford whose first proclamation was to announce that he had served as a district judge, which was shown to be a lie, he went on to build Beth Sharim a luxurious house in expectation of the resurrection to Earth of the Faithful Worthies , a failed prophecy that surprisingly failed to come true. Rutherford was a violent,sexist, altoholic bully, who imported his favourite brand of whiskey from Canada during the prohibition era who ruled in a despotic way, he died faithful to the WTS but hardly a man Jesus would have bestowed his Earthly belongings?
The reign of Nathan Knorr bought huge growth to the WTS, in which time the WT magazine was to be printed in virtually every nation on the Earth, yet during this reign Knorr introduced a strange policy of banning Blood and Organ Transplants with zero scriptural backing for this ban, faithful members of the WTS were either undergoing deathbed dissfellowshippings/ or having to die painful traumatic deaths in regards to upholding their Faith to Gods organization. The saddest part of his tenure was the allowing the death/rape/torture/false imprisonment of their brethren in Malawi, all this time also allowing two practising homosexuals to rule on this exclusive Governing Body . Also was the announcement that 1975 would mark the end of this wicked system, words that can be found throughout the printed words of the WTS books and magazines. So another era and more failed prophecies.
The reign of Fred Franz was shorter as his appointment was very late in his life, yet he was the man behind the 1975 prophecy yet who lied in many public appearances saying that the brothers had made it all up.
The next president was Mr Milton Henshall who's early work led to the dropping of the generation of 1914, another president, another lie and failed prophecy, anyone notice a pattern emerging?
Surely the history from the early days of Russel to the current regime of Gerrit Loesch and his merry men show that the WTS is a false prophet and not Gods channel on Earth today
Duet 18,20-22