I thought of a charity, but she is not a charitable person. She would be the kind of person that would say, "Yea, thanks for giving my gift away." and not smile while she's saying it.
I will look for a card today. At least I won't be going empty handed.
I already planned for a 2:30-3:00 visit. Early, but not too. Long enough stay to say hello to eveyone, and get out before I say something stupid.
We sit next to each other 8+ hours a day all week. There is only the two of us, and then the attorney. Sometimes I feel like I spend more time with her than my husband.
I've been there less that 6 months. But have found her very interesting, I love to ask questions, about...well everything, and she seems to have a view or belief on most things. I've taught her a few things about computers. We race to find phone numbers...her looking in the phone book and me looking it up on the computer.
She has children the same age as I AM.....AND..... we have grandchildren that are the same age. So we have stuff in common. She's never said outright, but she leans toward athiestism, from what I can tell. Yet she goes to church, occasionally.
Don't know why I typed all that...I guess because I can..hehehe.
Anyway...just sharin'.