List of songs in new songbook and comparisons with old song book

by truthseeker 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthseeker

    I can't take credit for this but here is a list of songs in the new songbook and comparisons to old songbook.

    New song # and Title Old song # Notes

    001 - Jehovah’s Attributes 097

    002 - We Thank You, Jehovah 212

    003 - “God Is Love” 035 Previous Title: Love’s Excelling Way

    004 - Making a Good Name With God 037

    005 - Christ, Our Exemplar 205

    006 - The Prayer of God’s Servant 088

    007 - Christian Dedication 013

    008 - The Lord’s Evening Meal 087

    009 - Praise Jehovah, Our God! 100 Previous Title: Laud Jehovah Our God

    010 - “Here I Am! Send Me” 204

    011 - Making Jehovah’s Heart Glad 051

    012 - Life Everlasting Is Promised 109

    013 - A Prayer of Thanksgiving 045

    014 - All Things Made New 187

    015 - Creation Reveals Jehovah’s Glory 079

    016 - Flee to God’s Kingdom! 146

    017 - Forward, You Witnesses! 029

    018 - God’s Loyal Love 114

    019 - God’s Promise of Paradise 004

    020 - Bless Our Meeting Together 028

    021 - Happy, the Merciful! 062 Postlude not included

    022 - “Jehovah Is My Shepherd” 077

    023 - Jehovah, Our Strength 047 Previous Title: Jehovah, Our Strength and Our Might

    024 - Keep Your Eyes on the Prize! 222

    025 - Proof of Discipleship 200

    026 - Oh, Walk With God! 138

    027 - Take Sides With Jehovah! 143

    028 - The New Song 169

    029 - Walking in Integrity 160

    030 - Jehovah Begins His Rule 195 Previous Title: This Is Jehovah’s Day

    031 - We Are Jehovah’s Witnesses! 113

    032 - Be Steadfast, Unmovable! 010

    033 - Fear Them Not! 027

    034 - Living Up to Our Name 034

    035 - Gratitude for Divine Patience 081

    036 - “What God Has Yoked Together” New

    037 - The Scriptures—Inspired of God 046

    038 - Throw Your Burden on Jehovah 103

    039 - Our Possession of Peace 159

    040 - Keep On Seeking First the Kingdom 172 Chorus melody is similar to the old one.

    041 - Worship Jehovah During Youth 157

    042 - “Assist Those Who Are Weak” 116 Previous Title: You Must Assist Those Who Are Week

    043 - Stay Awake, Stand Firm, Grow Mighty 174

    044 - Sharing Joyfully in the Harvest 211

    045 - Move Ahead! 123

    046 - Jehovah Is Our King! 033 Previous Title: Jehovah Himself Has Become King

    047 - Declare the Good News 006 Previous Title: Declare the Everlasting Good News

    048 - Daily Walking With Jehovah 055

    049 - Jehovah Is Our Refuge 085

    050 - The Divine Pattern of Love 089

    051 - We Cleave to Jehovah 131 Previous Title: Cleaving to Jehovah Our God

    052 - Guard Your Heart 132

    053 - Working Together in Unity 213

    054 - We Must Have the Faith 144 Chorus melody similar to the old one.

    055 - Life Without End At Last! 015

    056 - Please Hear My Prayer New

    057 - The Meditation of My Heart New

    058 - My Prayer of Dedication 196 Previous Title: Jehovah’s Dedicated Ones

    059 - To God We Are Dedicated! 202

    060 - He Will Make You Strong New

    061 - What Sort of Person I Should Be New? Old song 177 had similar title.

    What Sort of Persons Ought We to Be?

    062 - To Whom Do We Belong? 207

    063 - Ever Loyal New

    064 - Make the Truth Your Own 191

    065 - “This Is the Way” 042 New Title from old book

    066 - Serving Jehovah Whole Souled 001 Previous Title: Bless Jehovah, O My Soul

    067 - Pray to Jehovah Each Day 161

    068 - A Prayer of the Lowly One New

    069 - Make Me Know Your Ways New

    070 - “Make Sure of the More Important Things” 210

    071 - God’s Gift of Holy Spirit 108 Previous Title: Jehovah’s Word Is Faithful

    072 - Cultivating the Quality of Love 086 Previous Title: Cultivating the Fruit of Love

    073 - Love Intensely From the Heart 115 Previous Title: Have Intense Love for One Another

    074 - The Joy of Jehovah New

    075 - Our Reasons for Joy New

    076 - Jehovah, God of Peace 178 Previous Title: The Excelling “Peace of God”

    077 - Be Forgiving 110

    078 - Long Suffering 150 Previous Title: The Bread From Heaven

    079 - The Power of Kindness 066

    080 - The Quality of Goodness 095

    081 - “Give Us More Faith” New

    082 - Imitate Christ’s Mildness 149 Previous Title: It Is Impossible for God to Lie

    083 - We Need Self - Control New

    084 - “I Want To” 156 Words are similar

    085 - A Full Reward From Jehovah New Part of melody similar to purple book song 116

    086 - Faithful Women, Christian Sisters New

    087 - Now We Are One New

    088 - Children Are a Trust From God New Part of the melody from old song 87

    089 - Jehovah’s Warm Appeal: “Be Wise, My Son” New

    090 - Beauty in Gray - Headedness New

    091 - My Father, My God and Friend New

    092 - “Preach the Word” New Title from old book – song 162.

    093 - “Let Your Light Shine” 063

    094 - Content With God’s Good Gifts 182 Previous Title: Balsam in Gilead

    095 - “Taste and See That Jehovah Is Good” New

    096 - Seek Out Deserving Ones New

    097 - Forward, You Ministers of the Kingdom! 043

    098 - Sowing Kingdom Seed New

    099 - Praising Earth’s New King 168 Previous Title: Recognizing Earth’s New King

    100 - We Are Jehovah’s Army! 166

    101 - Making Known the Kingdom Truth New

    102 - Join in the Kingdom Song! 181

    103 - “From House to House” 032 Some parts are similar.

    104 - Praise Jah With Me 165

    105 - The Heavens Declare God’s Glory 175

    106 - Gaining Jehovah’s Friendship New

    107 - Come to Jehovah’s Mountain New

    108 - Praise Jehovah for His Kingdom New

    109 - Hail Jehovah’s Firstborn! New Title from old book – song 105.

    110 - God’s Wondrous Works New

    111 - He Will Call New

    112 - Great God, Jehovah 049 Stops at key change half as long.

    113 - Grateful for God’s Word 011 Previous Title: The Shulammite Remnant

    114 - God’s Own Book—A Treasure 180

    115 - Making Our Way Successful 040

    116 - The Light Gets Brighter New Title from old book – song 111

    117 - We Must Be Taught 054 Previous Title: We Must Be Holy
    118 - Welcome One Another 084
    119 - Come! Be Refreshed New Similar to old song 68

    120 - Listen, Obey, and Be Blessed New

    121 - Encourage One Another 135 Previous Title: Jehovah, Our Place of Dwelling

    122 - Myriads of Brothers 127

    123 - Shepherds—Gifts in Men New

    124 - Receive Them With Hospitality New

    125 - Loyally Submitting to Theocratic Order New

    126 - Our Labor of Love New

    127 - A Place Bearing Your Name New

    128 - The Scene of This World Is Changing 199

    129 - Holding Fast to Our Hope 119

    130 - The Miracle of Life New

    131 - Jehovah Provides Escape 074 Previous Title: Jehovah, Provider of Escape

    132 - A Victory Song 171

    133 - Seek God for Your Deliverance New

    134 - See Yourself When All Is New New

    135 - Enduring to the End 002

  • dissed

    You forgot sg 136 "All Apostates must die"

  • janseyhull

    wow, someone really cares and has a lot of time to research this. Are you really that into the new songs?
    shouldn't the scandals be taking up more of your time?


  • dissed

    Also sg 137 - "We love you Governing Body"

    Lyrics: sung to the tune 'We love you Beatles'

    We love the GB, oh yes we do

    We love the things you write, the things you do

    We love you GB, we do

    Oh Ge B, we love you

    Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!

  • truthseeker


    Take note of the beginning of my post: "I can't take credit for this"

    This was sent to me by someone else.

  • truthseeker

    It looks like song 064 (old 191) Make The Truth Your Own is in the new songbook

  • dissed

    sg 138 - "Disfellowshipping, God's loving arrangement"

    sg 139 - "Our kingdom secret: The pedeophiles in our midst

  • jookbeard

    song 143" Lovely Homosexual governing body members , Jehovah loves"

  • janseyhull

    10,000 comedians out of work. And you guys come along with your song titles........keep your day jobs.


  • jookbeard

    song 145 "Gods loving Paedophile Sheppard's"


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