*** lv chap. 10 pp. 110-120 Marriage-A Gift From a Loving God ***
Q9, 10. (a) How did Paul illustrate the danger of forming close bonds with unbelievers? (b) What often results from ignoring God's counsel not to marry an unbeliever?9 Paul was inspired to write down a vital principle that should be applied when choosing a marriage mate: "Do not become unevenly yoked with unbelievers." (2 Corinthians 6:14) His illustration was based on a fact of agricultural life. If two animals that differ greatly in size or strength are yoked together, both will suffer. Similarly, yoked together by marriage, a believer and an unbeliever will undoubtedly face friction and strains. If one mate wants to remain in Jehovah's love and the other cares little or nothing about that, their priorities in life will not match, and much discomfort is likely to result. Paul thus urged Christians to marry "only in the Lord."-1 Corinthians 7:39.
When Paul referred to "unbelievers' was he talking about non JW's or people who did not believe in the Christ?
Why are they not specific as to what a "believer" is? Is this another instance of twisting the scriptures - making the application mean a member of the Jehovah's Witness religion?
"If one mate wants to remain in Jehovah's love..." means if one party accepts that the WTS has the correct interpretation of the Bible and are willing to live and die in accordance with these directives and advance that to others as the "truth".
"...priorities in life will not match, and much discomfort is likely to result." - Imagine the discomfort if one marriage mate believed that the generation born in 1914 would see the end only to have this life changing "truth" deleted by the WTS in one sentence in 1996 without even apologizing for another false prophecy!
10 In some cases, single Christians have come to the conclusion that an uneven yoking would be better than the loneliness they currently feel. Some decide to ignore Bible counsel, and they marry a person who does not serve Jehovah. Again and again, the outcome is sad. Such ones find themselves married to a person with whom they cannot share the most important things in life. The loneliness that results may be far greater than any that they experienced before they married. Happily, there are many thousands of single Christians who trust in and loyally adhere to divine counsel in this regard. (Psalm 32:8) Though hoping to marry someday, they remain single until they find a mate among those who worship Jehovah God.
"Some decide to ignore Bible counsel" should be rephrased to WTS counsel since the Bible clearly talks about people believing in the Christ, not people belonging to a certain Christian denomination.
"...person who does not serve Jehovah" are non JW's - some 6,500,000,000 individuals who will be destroyed according to the WTS teaching.
"...trust in and loyally adhere to divine counsel in this regard." What divine counsel? The WTS is again going "beyond the things written" and requiring others draw the same conclusion
Q11. What can help you to choose a marriage mate wisely? (See also the box on page 114.)11 Of course, not every servant of Jehovah is automatically a suitable marriage mate. If you are considering marriage, look for someone whose personality, spiritual goals, and love for God are compatible with your own. The faithful slave class has provided much food for thought on this subject, and you would do well to consider such Scriptural counsel prayerfully, letting it guide you in making this important decision.-Psalm 119:105.
What are "spiritual goals"? Are they full time pioneering, serving where the need is greater, bethel service, missionary service?
Do all the 9980 anointed ones compose "The faithful slave class" and are they collectively consulted in what food needs to be disseminated?http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/174833/1/6-15-WT-GB-More-Powerful-than-Worldwide-Anointed-Dont-Judge-Partaking
"...consider such Scriptural counsel prayerfully, letting it guide you in making this important decision" - how many were guided by the below ruling?
"While both homosexuality and bestiality are disgusting perversions, in the case of neither one is the marriage tie broken. It is broken only by acts that make an individual "one flesh" with a person of the opposite sex other than his or her legal marriage mate." W72 01/01 pp.31-2
[Box/Pictures on page 114] WHAT AM I LOOKING FOR IN A MATE?
Principle: "The two will be one flesh.-Matthew 19:5.
Some questions to ask yourself
- Why is it important to be "past the bloom of youth" before marrying?-1 Corinthians 7:36; 13:11; Matthew 19:4, 5.
- Although I am old enough to marry, how can I benefit from staying single for a period of time?-1 Corinthians 7:32-34, 37, 38.
- If I choose to marry, why is it important that my prospective mate have a record of faithful service to Jehovah?-1 Corinthians 7:39.
- How can the following scriptures help a sister to identify the qualities needed in a mate?-Psalm 119:97; 1 Timothy 3:1-7.
- How could Proverbs 31:10-31 help a brother choose a marriage mate wisely?
Q12. What custom regarding marriage prevails in many lands, and what Bible example offers some guidance?12 In many lands, it is customary for parents to choose a mate for their child. It is widely agreed in those cultures that parents have the greater wisdom and experience needed to make such an important choice. Arranged marriages often work out well, as they did in Bible times. The example of Abraham sending his servant to find a wife for Isaac is instructive to parents who may be in a similar position today. Money and social standing were not Abraham's concern. Rather, he went to great lengths to find a wife for Isaac among people who worshipped Jehovah.-Genesis 24:3, 67.
"...went to great lengths to find a wife for Isaac among people who worshipped Jehovah" What about Moses, Joseph, Esther and Ruth's husband etc who were married to unbelievers?
Q13-15. (a) How can the principle found at Proverbs 24:27 help a young man who is thinking about marriage? (b) What can a young woman do to prepare for marriage?13 If you are thinking seriously about marriage, you would do well to ask yourself, 'Am I really ready?' The answer does not simply lie in your feelings about love, sex, companionship, or child rearing. Rather, there are specific goals that each prospective husband or wife should think about.
14 A young man who seeks a wife should think carefully about this principle: "Prepare your work out of doors, and make it ready for yourself in the field. Afterward you must also build up your household." (Proverbs 24:27) What is the point? In those days, if a man wanted to "build up [his] household," or establish a family by getting married, he needed to ask himself, 'Am I ready to care for and support a wife and any children who might come along?' He had to work first, caring for his fields, or crops. The same principle applies today. A man who wants to marry needs to prepare for the responsibility. As long as he is physically able, he will have to work. God's Word indicates that a man who does not care for the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of his family is worse than one without faith!-1 Timothy 5:8.
"Am I ready to care for and support a wife and any children who might come along?" - Disgusting how the WTS feels no guilt or shame knowing that by discouraging higher education, the young man will end up with a lower paying menial job and will need to work so much harder and longer to support his family
"God's Word indicates that a man who does not care for the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of his family is worse than one without faith!" As usual, no apologies from the WTS for the way they have directly contributed to the husband load encouraging the minimum standard of education; rather they resemble the Pharisees in quickly heaping the guilt back on the individual.
15 A woman who decides to marry is likewise agreeing to shoulder a number of weighty responsibilities. The Bible praises some of the skills and qualities that a wife may need as she helps her husband and cares for her household. (Proverbs 31:10-31) Men and women who rush into marriage without preparing to take on the responsibilities involved are really being selfish, failing to think of what they can offer a potential mate. Most of all, though, those contemplating marriage need to be prepared spiritually.