Especially those that no longer go to any meetings, but even those that still go- How much WT literature do you read or scan over?
Blondie does her weekly study article comments. Flipper started commenting on articles in upcoming issues. Many get the mags or the new releases. Some of you read them to know what's going on/coming up.
Personally, my wife leaves some older stuff in the car and often does her deep WT study in about 10 minutes while I am driving and listening to hard rock on the radio. I never go into her bag to find her Kingdom Ministry or magazines. I have stopped going on the WT Library CD about a year or more ago.
What about you? Do you still read the stuff? Do you get it from a friend or family member? Do you avoid it like it has the plague? If you still go to meetings, do you still "study" for them or just go?