Some of this stuff I've said before. The LGBT issue wasn't a defining or primary reason I became sick of the Dark Lords. The Dark Lords were the primary reason I became sick of the Dark Lords. However, as I matured and observed the world around me (as a dub-elder), it was apparent to me that people don't tend to choose their sexual preferences. I also began to view what consenting adults do in private as none of anyone's business while still an el-dub. And even if someone isn't born that way, what difference does it make. Besides NONE. If god doesn't have anything better to do than police my privates, then she can kiss my ass. And spend her time in more honorable pursuits, such as end the wars, stop the genocides, the famines, the honor killings . . . . .
But the LGBT issue was definitely one of the primary bricks in my J-dub/theist wall that I evaluated, analyzed and then removed and cast away. In addition to simple observation of the world around me, I recall the exact moment when I looked at my 2 beautiful, amazing, talented children, both of whom I have been crazy stupid close to since the moment they were born, and realized that I could/would never DF them from my life if either or both turned out to be LGBT. I was in the KH, looking at both of them, and realized what a surreal and hate filled world the cult I belonged to was.
Within a year or so I was out, along with my amazing children.