I found the Aug 1, 2009 WT, and the Aug 2009 Awake in the magazine rack at my work. I wrote on the cover with a big Sharpie, "1-800-why-1914, www.Freeminds.org, and www.jehovahs-witnesses.net . On the inside cover I wrote: "Warning: Contains Cult Propaganda" any other suggestions? I hope they come back and find the message I wrote, I didn't want to throw it away because they'll just leave more and be able to count them as a placement.
Just had the Watchtower and Awake dropped off in the magazine rack at my work.
by Joshnaz 16 Replies latest jw friends
jonathan dough
Wear gloves.
brilliant! bravo!
Exactly what I would have done. Could it be a JW on the job? They will be upset with what you did to their Wacktower- oh, well!
Thank You. Thank You. Just trying to save lives here.
No JW's work here just. Only about 6 people work in here. Ex JW's = myself and 1 other co-worker.
OH! thanks leavingwt - I'll go add that one. BTW I just checked that site out. Very informative.