But the Watchtower meations Dates. The Bible can prove the Watchtower wrong with the Dates they use. The Watchtower says 628 was Jehoiakim's fist year to rule. It was in Jehoiakim's 3rd year that King Neb. besieged. The Watchtower also says 624 was Neb. 1st year to rule so if you go by 628 that would make 625 his 3rd year to rule and Neb. (according to the Watchtower) wasn't King. Of course none of those Dates are right anyway. The Bible says Daniel was taken in the 3rd year of Jehoiakim and the Watchtower says Daniel was taken the year 617. If your not good with Dates, why would you want to believe an organization who has been wrong so many times and lied about it. REV. 22:15 "Outside are dogs, sorcerers,.....AND WHO SO EVER LOVES AND MAKES LIES"
Armaagedden has come to Austrlia
by is there help out there 45 Replies latest jw friends
White Dove
I thought the WT said "607" not "617." I'm no good with dates, anyway. My eyes always glazed over when they explained prophesy and dates. I just couldn't have cared less than I did at those meetings.
Schipper, you did not respond to my question about how ineffective the WTS is in spreading Gods word globally, the billions of hours spent banging on doors in which no one answers, and the billions that your God is meant to destroy who haven't responded to the message, bit of a con isn't it?
Cameo-d: "Are you referring to Armageddon? You would like to see it happen?"
Angel eyes: "yh definately.....
18 Woe unto you that desire the day of the LORD! to what end is it for you? the day of the LORD is darkness, and not light. (Amos 5:18)
According to this scripture, aren't you being disobedient?
that is an amazing piece of verse Cameo, never even remember it
Very good Cameo-d. Not good , meant perfect.
angel eyes
yes alwayshere i know...i was quoting villabolo verse lol haha
angel eyes: You keep evading the moral implications of wishing the deaths of babies, children and non JW adults who according to YOUR teachings are to die out of sheer spite.
still doesn't make a Global witness does it Schipp, all in vain I'd say, what about the billions of decomposing corpses? forget time slips/files and billions of hours spent banging on bloody doors, what do the public think of the message? absolutely nothing because the form of WTS evangelism is simply fruitless
angel eyes
nope not my teachings...... mistake forgiven.
If you know God is a God of love then why doubt him???
wait until armegeddon and you will see....then if we get through into the new system children,babies and people in general will be safe from sick, insane people,pervs.....liers...all sorts, how lovely.