My neighbor near my workplace brought a piece of mail delivered to him by mistake. He and his employee/student from his martial arts studio came by and he began preaching to me about Christ. He's a Pentecostal Christian who has dreams and visions of events that have supposedly happened that he prophesied beforehand. They stayed for an hour and told me that he needed to tell me that I "Needed" Christ because if I didn't accept him I was going to go to Hell. (Basically, he's a good man who believes God has used him to help people get saved). He remembered I was a JW and asked me if I was aware of C T Russell and everything he stood for. I told him that I knew a lot about him. He expressed how we're living in the last days and how he's helped so many to know Christ. When I began to resist his stepped up efforts to "accept Christ", he told me the Devil was trying to keep me from "being saved".
I then told him that due to all the dreams he says he has, there were at least 6 different ones he told me about, I was concerned that he had one of two problems. Either he suffered from mental problems or due to his fascination with demons and the Devil, maybe he was the tool of the demons. He strogly resisted such a horrible thought and said he would pray for me to "put away my pride and accept Christ into my heart". I responded with, "As soon as you leave, I'm going to pray to God and ask him to help you get away from the demons grip that they have on you". They left a tad disturbed with smiles on their faces.
I have to pray now.