Along with JWOODS comment: My experiences were in the mid atlantic area. We had problems with hair cuts. I kept my hair short, usually a flat top. I was counseled by two elders that a military haircut was unacceptable. I asked to see this in writing. They Quoted some crap about following popular or worldly fads, nothing in print. So I got a crew cut. Again, same two had discussed how I wore my hair in an elders meeting and felt it necessary to counsel me again. This time it was too short. If I keep these kind of haircuts, I will lose my priveleges. I am white, and named five other brothers who actually trim their hair with clippers, half the length of mine, who are all elders or servants. The elders said that that was different. I asked why? They didn't really have anything to say, so I said the obvious. BECAUSE THEY ARE BLACK (afro-american)? Is there one set of rules for blacks, another for whites? Why can they have their priveleges wearing their hair short, and I cant? They acted a little nervous and had nothing to say. Again I asked to see this in writing exactly how long a brothers hair should be, and the exemptions for other nationalities. Nothing. Then I asked how long I should wear my hair? One elder said"OH, I can't tell you how long your hair should be" I said that they have had two elders meetings about exactly that, and I have been counseled twice about it. They had nothing to say, so the next meeting they had nothing to worry about, I took clippers and cut off as much as I could, then shaved my head with a razor. I told one of the elders who had counseled me twice that there should not be anymore time wasted in the elder meetings about my hair anymore. They can actually be concerned with real congregational matters.
I know what they were doing. Some wanted me recommended for elder, but some said that I had a bad attitude. They were trying to see how many hoops they could get me to jump through to prove that I was worthy. I was a MS and have a good work ethic, so I did my assignments well, but I would not put up with any bull shit. By that time I knew it was all a sham and wanted out anyway, definitely didn't want to be appointed elder.