The Value of JWN (and more importantly) YOU.

by AllTimeJeff 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • AllTimeJeff

    I find it interesting how some JW's, (in disobedience to the GB) come here, and either try to present former JW's as "bitter", etc.

    Or sometimes, they try to pass off the bullsh*t of the GB as chocolate pudding, and say that JW's can indeed question, go on the internet, question even the GB, and sometimes, you can actually disagree and still be a JW!

    Wow... Thats a new one. I really hope any lurkers here will take up the apologists on their offers. Go ahead. You will be a former JW before you know it.

    But my real point is, why not be an apologist for a day about being a former JW. About the value of this site, that allows for the expression of our individuality, our opinions, and our journeys. For the value of websites like this one.

    Lets apologize for all of it. Can you put into words the value of JWN? And the value of you since you left?

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    This webiste is worth every bit of what I pay for it.


    I find it interesting how some JW's, (in disobedience to the GB) come here, and either try to present former JW's as "bitter", etc.

    I find it amusing that Pro WBT$ JW`s are bitter..About us being happy,we`re out!

    Or sometimes, they try to pass off the bullsh*t of the GB as chocolate pudding,..

    and say that JW's can indeed question, go on the internet, question even the GB,

    and sometimes, you can actually disagree and still be a JW!..They engage in Theocratic Warefare Stratagy..

    The WBT$..Art of Lying..

    Wow... Thats a new one. I really hope any lurkers here will take up the apologists on their offers.

    Go ahead. You will be a former JW before you know it...No one Questions the WBT$ without Consequenses..

    But my real point is, why not be an apologist for a day about being a former JW. About the value of this site, that allows for the expression of our individuality, our opinions, and our journeys. For the value of websites like this one.

    Lets apologize for all of it. Can you put into words the value of JWN? And the value of you since you left?

    Back in the day there was no internet.. No support for those who had the courage to walk away from the WBT$.. You were alone..The WBT$ had that worked out a long time ago.. Leave the WBT$ and your life was screwed.. Spiritual Exortion by Religious Gangsters.. The WBT$ Gangster Then came the Internet.. There was nothing the WBT$ could do to Shut the Internet down.. or.. Shut people up.. Suddenly there was Freedom of Speach.. The WBT$ worst Enemy.. JW`s being allowed to talk freely without fear of punishment.. The Extortion Racket was over for the WBT$.. Although it still exists within Watchtower World.. Now Thanks to People like Simon and Angharad.. We have a Place to come to..A place to speak freely.. We are no longer alone.. Even Pro WBT$ JW`s are Welcome to come here.. To tell us how unhappy we all are.. Easter train Thanksgiving Leaves On The CheekThanksgiving Dinner 2 .............................

  • BorgHater

    I had already decided for myself that the JW's were full of crap and i faded. But until i found JWN and another similar site i felt so utterly alone as an ex-jw. I thought me and my little family were the only ones who had suffered years and years of disgustingly cruel, insensitive and unchristain treatment from elders, fellow rank and file witnesses and the org itself!

    To find out there are others out there has given me my life (and sanity) back. In fact, i actually feel less bitter about how we were treated now i realise we were not the only ones. I used to think 'why us? We are good people, why are we the only ones being put through this?' But after reading others experiences i see we actually got off pretty lightly in comparison to many poor souls.

    JWN is invaluable. I have so much respect and gratitude for those who set up these sites

    And if ex-witnesses are bitter, so what? IMO they have absolutely every f**king right to be.

    BorgHater xx

  • flipper

    ALL TIME JEFF- Good thread. The value of JWN in my opinion is it gives many of us as ex-witnesses a place to vent our frustrations to those who have walked in similar shoes and experiences as we have. It not only acts as a support board for new exiting witnesses, but the information brought out here from all over the internet from other links and websites can educate exiting witnesses about information concering the WT society they were NEVER allowed access to in JW ville. All of us were constantly under " information control" or information lockdown being JW's - so this site serves an extremely valuable purpose .

    The value of me since I left the witnesses ? I feel in two and a half years on the board and 6 years out of the witness cult - I have learned more in that short period of time about life, my goals, mind control , and humanity - than I ever learned in 44 years being in the witnesses from birth. I feel I'm more caring, genuine towards people and empathetic to their plights and life situations now than I ever was as a witness. Much more open minded and real . No more B.S. I feel I am helping more people now move on positively in life than I ever did as a witness. Gives me great satisfaction

  • cantleave

    This site showed me there is a way to fade from the borg with support from others who have been through it. It also helped me realise that I have been immersed in culture composed of corrosive teachings and discipline / reward mechanisms designed to make me feel guilty in order to preserve an affiliation to a false prophet.

    This was the first "APOSTATE" site I was drawn to because it is eas to use, is populated by sound reasonable people (with a few exceptions), and doesn't try to frighten you out of the Borg with sensational headlines or scary themes and graphics.

    I would like to thank all the mods and managers of this site for making it work so well.

  • TD

    This is slightly off the topic of your thread, Jeff. (Sorry)

    In the latter days of H2O and the early days of JWN there was a participant who went by the moniker, "Friend"

    "Friend" was someone of note in the JW organization and an apologist of sorts. Not everyone agreed with him, but unlike the current crop of apologists, he was respected:

    He did not regurgitate the contents of JW literature to us. He understood that we already knew it 1000 times better than the average JW. (As did he.)

    He did not commit errors of formal logic. He was actually quite studied in his argumentation.

    He defended the idea that you can disagree with the organization and remain a JW very well. He was happy to coach anyone on how to write a letter suggesting policy change without getting into trouble with their local Elder body

    He did not characterize us as "Bitter." He understood perfectly why many had left.

    He openly admitted where the JW organization was in error. His contention was that the first priority was getting the harmful policies reversed from within. Admittedly this was perhaps an impractical notion, but it's hard to fault him for trying.

    "Friend" unfortunately is no longer with us, but he was proof that not all JW apologists are cut from the same cloth.

  • AllTimeJeff

    TD, thats not off topic at all. I appreciate the context....

    Outlaw, I knew you would be able to draw some pictures for me... I should invest in smilies....

    Doe, try to keep your receipts in case you want your $$ back... lol

  • no more kool aid
    no more kool aid

    We quit about two months before I discovered this site. I can honestly say it was not the Internet that started my journey, but it was years of sitting at meeting thinking "huh"? "What?, really?, did they just say that"? All the while sitting there with a bunch of people nodding along like drones. Until I confided in my husband, I thought I was the only one. Then I found this site and it was like I found dozens of friends that thought just as I did. First, I was fascinated with the doctrinal contradictions. Then social and family situations. Wow, all these different people from all over the world experiencing the same and willing to speak of it. Without JWN, I don't know what would have happened to me. I am afraid we would have went back and have to forever wear the scarlet letter or stayed out but been miserable. This site for me has been like therapy that really worked, my favorite entertainment and freedom all wrapped up in one. NMKA.

  • Farkel


    :In the latter days of H2O and the early days of JWN there was a participant who went by the moniker, "Friend"

    ""Friend" was someone of note in the JW organization and an apologist of sorts. Not everyone agreed with him, but unlike the current crop of apologists, he was respected:

    Friend was highly placed in the Brooklyn Bethel. He and I battled quite a bit for a while, but always with mutual respect. He eventually told me in an email he considered me like an adopted son. We both worked together along with three other notorious apostates in putting together material and a website dealing scripturally with a very wrong and dangerous WT policy.

    Friend felt he could do more good on the inside than on the outside and I believe he was right. There is only one ex-JW person that I know who knows Friend's real identity and he made a promise never to reveal it. He has kept that promise.

    All of us who worked closely with Friend loved him and respected him. May he finally have peace with his Creator.


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