Actually I wish death on anyone who commits such crimes against children but I want a little pain first...actually a lot of pain.
Castration anybody...?
by Rabbit 31 Replies latest social current
Cutting off their hands has/had been a punishment in some parts of the middle east for a long time -- for theft. Cruel & unusual ? Ask the victims how they're doing, I say.
It will not be 100% effective as some abusers are motivated by violence and control more than a sexual desire. But saying that, if stops a few from re-offending that is still a postive outcome.
I would venture that sexual molestation is a theft of something important.
John Doe
Cutting off their hands has/had been a punishment in some parts of the middle east for a long time
So, are you arguing that the middle east is the standard for justice?
John Doe
Actually I wish death on anyone who commits such crimes against children but I want a little pain first..
Can't agree with you there. I do not support torture in any form. Torture serves no legitimate nor constructive purpose.
Ya' know how we used to castrate calves, sheep & goats? No...cutting is too messy. It's called 'banding', a really strong, tight, small rubber band is s-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-d with a device -- over the rocky mountain oysters, up high and slowly released. In a few days, the dessicated testicles -- fall off! They heal well with very little pain or infection, as the nerves and blood supply are cut-off. A similar technique is used on people already to treat hemorrhoids.
So, don't say, 'cruel or unusual'.
John Doe
So, don't say, 'cruel or unusual'.
The discussion was about amputating hands. Castration is a different matter entirely, and is not considered a disability.
choosing life
I've worked with a few sex offenders. Chemical castration did help them not to reoffend. It needs to be closely monitered so that the blood levels are effective, but not dangerous to the offender.
Rape is about more than sexual drive and I don't imagine this would work in all cases. The ones I worked with had mental disabilities also.
So, are you arguing that the middle east is the standard for justice?
*sigh* Yes, of course, I must be...