I understand 'Ich bin ein Berliner' means "I am a doughnut" in German. As opposed to 'Ich bin Berliner', irrelvant sorry but it always makes me smile.
My First Kingdom Hall Wedding
by garyneal 13 Replies latest jw experiences
I like how the article compares Christmas and Easter to child sacrifice and various sexual practices:"In the past God condemned certain practices that may have been tolerated in some communities. These include child sacrifice, the misuse of blood and various sexual practices. Likewise, certain customs that are common today are clearly not in harmony with Biblical principles. Among these are non-Biblical traditions connected with religious holidays such as Christmas and Easter or with superstitious practices related to spiritism."
I was raised as one of Jehovahs witness all my life since 4 years old, Bethel 4 years and the majority of my family relatives except the ones that are going to suffer "hell and tarnation" at armageddon...not to mention these lost ones we see at family weddings and funerals. We stand at one end an they stand at another. The only ones of us that go extended to speak with them are the "weak ones" of us, that will certainly after words be spoken of are deviation into the "world of hell"...........................................................................................................................................................................................................anyway to just alittle history. Im dissfellowship, I dont think I spelled it right. but that doesnt matter to me one way or another...........................................Ive been to numerous weddings, of which Ive stood in 4, (something with that number 4) Ive seen couples 'blessed' by all and end up apart, Ive seen those that others think they shouldnt be togetther and make a great couplle. it comes in all aspect..........................................................................................whats alway botherd me is that there are the sames ones invited,, first of course family members, elders, those with that are stable in there eyes, popular ones.....and always there's always those overlooked, in most time its the 'needy', the ones that are' irregular'. and ones that are considered odd.....Ive been to weddings of those of the 'worldly persuasion' relatives or not....and have had the best times ever....restaints little less (open bar) and away from the formated music that jws review beforehand....not to say things can get out of hand , but oh well, no ones going to say anythings unless you empty the bar and tell your brother and brother to go to hell...of course afterwared your worldly relatives will only laugh but the jws will try to figure if a committee meeting should be set up and the whole circuit will mark you....to bad, itll only gaurrentee in the passing of the invitations they'll make sure they'll do it descreetly so as not to offend you..now you anxiously wait for a 'Worldly wedding' as you'll be on top of the list, because the non-jw ones know you like to have a great time, only quitly reminding you that wifes, aunts and cousins are off limit. and thats the way it is.