If you ever been to Radio shack, you would notice how relatively small the store is. Yet according to advertisements and sales associate suggestions, they have in the store everything that you will need which is electronic related. They have all the answers for your technological wants simply put, or is this really the case. You would only have to take a couple of steps in the door and realize that there is pressure on you to buy. You may have come in just to pick up batteries for your T.V remote, but end up being held up and interrogated on what cell phone provider you have. Being hit with all the questions and suggestions, you would tense up with frustration knowing that this is not what you came in there for. The pressure imposed through the environment may cave most people into getting into a contract or paying more money than what you intended to pay. The knowledgeable and crafty associates seemed to be helpful and have all the answers for your needs. This was the major factor in buying the crap thats being pushed in the store. As a former employee, I got a first hand glimpse into the Radio shack world. Pressure on the Sales Associate to sell to the customer was emphasized constantly, Granted all sales utilize this, Radio Shack's moto of "we have the answers" sticks out among its competitors. In comparison to Jehovah's Witnesses "we have all the answers, Why go anywhere else?" True there not as big as the others but...they know what you need. Bait and trap my brothers, Bait and trap.
Jehovah's Witnesses: The Radio Shack of Religions
by whathehadas 12 Replies latest jw experiences
LOL now that was some funny comparisons.
Now I won't be able to go into a Radio Shack without thinking about this.
Just imagine having a Radio Shack Owned/Operated by a JW. Oh the irony. heehee
You forgot to mention the most important thing Radio Shack and the Watchtower have in common: they both sell cheap crap that doesn't work.
When I saw the title to this thread I thought the analogy was going to center on how generic they are. Like Radio Shack, Jehovah's WItnesses have nothing but a sloppy collection of other religions' parts: there's nothing really unique or authentic about it.
I have noticed this about Radio Shack since the mid 1980s (about the pressure to go in, buy something, and leave). The merchandise is pure crap, and is priced way out of line with its quality. Their own brands are worse than anything I have seen at Wal-Mart or Best Buy (and are more expensive than either place).
At least I can go in Radio Shack if I have a specific need for a specific part. They do sell specific parts, such as special patch cords and adapters that cannot be bought at Best Buy. You can also get kits so you can build your own things--the quality of these parts, however, is questionable. As for me, I have decided to not go into those places unless there is a specific part that I cannot get elsewhere (otherwise, I would be wasting money by paying too much or not getting enough quality).
These days, Radio Shack has had to do away with selling only its own crap brands. However, I would advise buying elsewhere if you can. There are electronics stores everywhere--Best Buy is actually better (at least you will pay less). And, unless I need a part yesterday, I would rather go online and buy parts there. I did just that with my iPod, a printer, a hard drive to back up my computer hard drive (which will only be used for that purpose), a TV set, video games, and the like. Most were available at Best Buy or Office Depot, but one can easily find a billion sites to buy a part that you don't need right now. And, chances are, it will be better than what you could come out of Radio Shack with.
Now, at least Radio Shack doesn't go after me when I start going to other stores to buy things--if they were like the witlesses, they would come after me if I go to Best Buy and save $1,000--or go online and pay the money for a much better product. And they would be p***ed if I then tell others that I got some real good electronic part from some store in Maine, and others go online to the same store.
The cheap dress shirts and ties are eerily familiar as well.
Makes me wish there was a radio shack in my neck of the woods.
FARKEL- Freaking hilarious !
WHATHEHADAS- Good points you make. The sales pressure is incredible by the witnesses AND Radio Shack. I remember when I was a witness working with people in service who would stick their foot in the door of the housholder so they wouldn't close it ! It's amazing THOSE witnesses still have 2 feet ! LOL! Peace out, Mr. Flipper
I'd like to agree but that has never been my experience in a Radio Shack. They usually leave me alone.
Also, whatever you buy, they pressure you into buying a long waranty for it. You don't need the waranty. It's like the wt corp prominse of true happiness and genuine friends to support you, if you buy into wtcorp.