I was in conversation a few weeks back with a JW I have known for at least four decades. Most of it was catching up on family stuff, he has loads of kids, some have married and produced sprogs since I left. All news to me.
I demolished a couple of his fatuous arguments, and then he decided to scuttle away, throwing this over his shoulder as he went :
"You want to get your head right, and get back in quick!". I could not reply, but shook my head in dissent so that he could see.
This concept, that we who have left have "lost our senses" and "need to get our head right" is fostered by the WT/JWorg in their writings, DFing is used "to return the errant one to his senses". Etc.
Now this may have a small degree of truth to it if the "errant one" has gone a fornicatin' or a smokin' an' a drinkin', but if the reason we have left is TTATT, then it is simply wrong.
If I had the chance to reply I would have said something like " I now lead an evidence based life, you are the one who believes in myths and stories and doctrines that cannot be proven, and in so-called facts that are simply downright wrong, you are the one living in the world of the deluded, I think you need to get your head right ! ".
I doubt I ever would be quite that blunt, I am way too kind, but this nonsense that we are the irrational ones is so very annoying.
Thanks for listening to my Sunday Rant !