Hi 2Pink !
Great to have you here, I feel for you, I was in a similar position 18 months or so ago when I left.all my family are super-Dubs,I have a 90 year old (Dub) Mum, so I decided to "Fade" as per the advice above.
You have to be careful if you get the 2 Elder visit,seek advice on here first.
But I will say it has been,not an easy journey for me, and my Wife, but an exciting one, the FREEDOM ! to explore everything,including yourself !
I would say take it slowly, make no sudden or rash moves or decisions. On Sunday I gave my Wife the first proper Birthday card she has had in sixty years ! (Blimey, that means I am going to bed with a pensioner !) She is now happy to fade with me (her Mum is a Dub,but very sweet)
Please keep posting, we are all here for you,for advice ,support, or just a chat and a laugh,
Welcome again,and to Hubby soon I hope,
Lots of love,