This seems to be happening about once a month now. Nice looking middle aged Oriental man in white shirt & tie. Yup - positive JW ID made already.
Guy looks shocked when Texan comes to door - "we were calling on Oriental Families" (as if I had no right to be there!).
So, I ask him what he wants - he starts up with "we were talking to oriental people about how bad things in the world are today."
I said - "Look: If you are a Jehovah's Witness, then just stand up like a man and tell me you are a Jehovah's Witness." He admits it.
I told him that my lady friend was indeed Vietnamese but would not want to talk to him. Why? Well, first of all because I used to be an Elder in your religion and I had to quit because of repeated false prophecy. (looks shocked, then defends 1975 by saying that they never really said it for sure). I point out that 1975 WAS taught as part of an entire chronology (which he admits) involving generation of 1914 (also changed) and that it all really came from the Millerite movement of the Seventh Day Adventists as adapted by Russell. (shocked that I knew about it). Defends by saying that the "Adventists cannot have the truth because they teach the trinity" (almost as if everything else was OK). I mentioned that witnesses teach that Jesus is really Michael the archangel which is probably far more of a reach than saying he was the deity. (blanks out)
However, moving on, I told him, to a traditional and honorable Oriental family your absolute worst teaching is to prevent the children from getting a decent education. Education and success in life of the children are paramount to the honor of Oriental parents. Why in the world would you do such a thing?
He admits it: "Well, maybe the Watchtower Society is trying to protect these children"
Now I have him by the short hairs: Protect them from what, may I ask? Science? Math? History? The Arts? Medicine? Law? WHAT???
He cannot say. He retreats.