I was thinking about this today. I remember when I attended meetings and conventions with my parents when I was growing up, I would run into some JWs who said they were able to cope with death of their loved ones better due to the fact that they will be resurrected in the "New World" which gave them hope. I find this partially true because they were given a false hope of being in the "New World" and seeing their loved ones again. I'm curious if it helped you too when you were a JW?
Did being JW help you cope with death?
by KDubbz 48 Replies latest jw friends
JWs who said they were able to cope with death of their loved ones better due to the fact that they will be resurrected in the "New World" which gave them hope.
This is not coping with death. That's why JWs say things like this. They have not accepted that the dead one is gone forever but hold out hope of seeing them again. They never go through the grieving process.
That's why some of us who lost loved ones when in the JWs never really grieved them until after we left the relgion and realized that the hope was false.
Add this to the list of delusions that JWs have...
angel eyes
Im still a jw and yes it does give some comfort but of course I still grieve, it still cuts deeply, as deep as before i was a witness but im pleased to know they arent in heaven watching me being torn apart by their death. Then as time goes by you really focus on seeing them in the new order :)
Then as time goes by you really focus on seeing them in the new order
Thank you for proving my point about the JW delusion of seeing dead ones again. You haven't fully accepted that they're gone, never to be seen again, so you've cheated the greiving process...thus the delusion.
:I would run into some JWs who said they were able to cope with death of their loved ones better due to the fact that they will be resurrected in the "New World" which gave them hope.
It is true that JWs probably don't grieve much at the deaths of other JWs, but other than that, JWs are more afraid of death than any group I know. They're not abnormally afraid of death as in the normal process of themselves dying, though. At least then they "might" have shot at being resurrected.
They're afraid of an impending vengeful death at the hands of their Machine-Gun-Nazi-in-the-Sky God, Jehovah. They are terrified of Him and what they think He might do to them if they don't obey their spiritual Masters on earth.
This is inaccurately spouted by JWs that they have a hope for the dead. Most religions do. Christians also are comforted in knowing those who have died in Christ souls are in heaven awaiting a reuniting with their bodies and spirits. Again, nothing unique to the JWs. They simply are a bit different in their logistics. We recently had someone from our church die. While we were all saddened by her death we know she awaits a reuniting and were comforted by that.
To me the bible says a very truthful statement " Death is the last enemy"
It was the coping with the living dead .The terminally sick the frail ect ect to me this was coping with death.
Answer . No the witnesses didnt help me cope with death.
As to now .I was given a hope by the witnesses about death- And now iam confused.
Yeah the JWs view cheapens life and leaves uncertainty. One never knows if they had done enough work for the Gov Body to be approved to make it into the kingdom.
angel eyes
Eze 18 V 4...love this scripture.
I like that one too AE. unfortunately it does not mean what you think- in this case the soul means the whole person. The same as the work peak can mean a mountain. Soul can also mean the soul of the the though- the same as peak can mean a part of the mountain. EZ 18:4 simply says the soul that sins dies...later down a few verses says the righteous soul remains alive.
Here in 1 thes we see the Bible's use of soul showing we do in fact possess one:
"Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you entirely; and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved complete, without blame at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ." (1 Thess 5:23).