Just remember a few crazy GB rants- the topic on no smooching during the prayer got me to remembering a few:
Losch- Morning Worship- Roommates should pray together (inferred kneeling on the floor together)
Losch- Morning Worship- Women have a natural craving for men that has to be managed and controlled by men
Barr (?)- Lunch- Saw women going to the workout room in leotards and issued an order that all exercise rooms must be closed during lunch time- later rescinded and strict rules instituted about what you can wear, where.
Sydlick, Jaracz, etc- Black Monday- Monday "special lecture" after the Watchtower about the evils of rock music and rap music. Listed several performing artists by name and urged Bethelites to come forward and destroy their music. The success of this effort and the quantity of music destroyed were touted for months after as a "cleansing of the Bethel Family"
Couch (not GB- but extremely entertaining)- Forget it- you could have a separate topic just about his rants- no touching your face at Morning Worship, don't go to Times Square, no wearing shorts, no wearing jeans, etc, etc, etc.