Do you like yourself

by is there help out there 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • bigwilly

    It has taken years, but I finally realized that I'm pretty cool

    I think alot had to do with constant concern about what others thought (wouldn't want to reflect poorly on the borg ya know) and that seemed to limit the self esteem and confidence I had available. I can't really pin it down to any one experience, but at some point I was able to say "I don't care what other people think, I'm going to be me".

  • mrsjones5

    Growing up I never thought of myself as lovable or even likable. Having emotionally distance parents could be the reason for the way I felt and being raised in the bOrg didn't help matters. Going out into the world my unlikable/unlovable opinion of myself was dashed but I was always surprised when folks would bestow on me the honor of liking me and impossibly loving me. Even though I have four kids who love me dearly and a hubby who would die for me and tells me he loves me every day I still have a little bit of disbelief. I wonder if that will ever go away. But on top of all that I find that I do like myself.

  • Quandry

    No. I am working on it, little by little.

    Mrs. Jones, how wonderful!!

  • QuestioningEverything

    Yes-I do. I did when I was a witness -although I lived daily with the guilt of never doing enough.. I have always been comfortable with myself and fairly confident. Today- I am much more at ease with myself as far as my decision making.

  • AGuest

    Since I must love my neighbor AS I love myself... and I think I pretty much do "love" my "neighbor"... I have to say that I love myself. And since liking myself goes a long way toward loving myself, honestly,... I have to say that, yeah, I do like myself. Not always, of course (oh, yeah, there are some times when I could just slap my own self - notice, I said I can... not you)... but for the most part, I'm cool.

    I have to admit, though, that the fact that, like Ms. Josie, I have a husband and [adult] kids... and two very sweet little doggies... who like, as well as love me... helps.

    I bid you all peace!

    A slave of Christ,


  • Out at Last!
    Out at Last!

    I always liked myself, I was usually the funniest guy I knew. Sometimes I just crack myself up. Just didn't like 99% of the dubs. Still wondering why I stayed in for 28 years.??

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