I was SO HAPPY when my best friend {A Witness} since childhood tells me he has doubts about the ORG. and how Brothers are "two faced" and the "false prophecies", and how he "needs a woman soon or he'll visit a brothel"...
He had not gone to meetings for months and his mum blamed me although he didn't need much convincing. Well we went to the Convention to please family and he enjoyed the lavish attention he got from so many "loving" brothers. I thought they were obvious cult kiss asses. Now he sends me an SMS saying he just got "back from the Meeting" "booked out for 4 weeks with dinners and parties...see you after that mate." Yet when we were Apostate buddies he was always availible.
All of a sudden the ORG. never looked so good....should of known at the Convention he was almost running from Brother to brother shaking hands and enjoying the attention...while I was saying: "Hey Mate lets "get some fresh air" and get a coffee." OH NO! Too many Brothers queing up to kiss your butt!