Scans of Informant

by chasson 15 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • chasson

    Informant April, 1945

    Informant May, 1945

  • Meeting Junkie No More
    Meeting Junkie No More

    Wonderful reading!(not) -

    I quote: "makes April the month of months" (WHAT???) Ok, Jesus is King of Kings and Lord of April is the month of months???

    another quote:...."drinking in the life-giving Kingdom message every fifteen days..." Well, that has since bombed. The life-giving message can now only be drunk in monthly... most assuredly a sign of backsliding methinks...

    PRICELESS gems! Thanks for sharing.

  • Hopscotch

    Thanks for posting these chasson. Not much has changed in their style of whipping the troops into action has it. At least back then they were honest enough to call it advertising.

    Thought this was an interesting quote in the May 1945 edition:

    "Without a doubt the goal of all youthful witnesses of Jehovah is to be a full-time, year-round minister of the gospel when they become older."

    I wonder how many of those 'youthful witnesses' of 1945 left school and pioneered without furthering their education or pursuing a career, only to find as they reached their 40's, 50's and 60's they had to struggle to make ends meet, and now in their 80's are facing the old age and death that they were told would never happen.


  • Atlantis


    Many thanks for the files! Great job!

    Cheers! Atlantis!

  • TheOldHippie

    Do you know why the congregations were called "companies"?

  • blondie

    *** jv (Proclaimers book) chap. 15 p. 206 Development of the Organization Structure ***At times the local groups were referred to as "churches," in harmony with the language used in the KingJamesVersion. They were also called ecclesias, in accord with the term used in the Greek Bible text. The expression "classes" was likewise employed, for they were in reality bodies of students meeting regularly to study. Later, when they were called companies, this was a reflection of their awareness that they were in a spiritual warfare. (See Psalm 68:11, KJ, margin.) After publication of the NewWorldTranslationoftheChristianGreekScriptures in 1950, the modern-language Bible term "congregation" came into regular use in most lands.

    Main Entry: 1 com·pa·ny Pronunciation: \ ' k?mp-ne, ' k?m-p?-\ Function: noun Inflected Form(s): pluralcom·pa·nies Usage: often attributive Etymology: Middle English companie, from cumpaignie, from cumpaing companion — more at companion Date: 13th century

    1 a: association with another :fellowship <enjoy a person's company> b:companions, associates <know a person by the company she keeps> c:visitors, guests <having company for dinner>
    2 a: a group of persons or things <a company of horsemen> b: a body of soldiers; especially: a unit (as of infantry) consisting usually of a headquarters and two or more platoonsc: an organization of performing artists d: the officers and crew of a ship e: a firefighting unit

  • blondie

    1920 Beginning of field ministry reporting

    1922 Beginning of WT study

    1932 Beginning of service meeting

    1938 Beginning of reporting return visits

    1940 Beginning of street distribution

    1942 Beginning of reporting bible studies

    1943 Beginning of theocratic school in congregations

    1945 Beginning of public talks each week

    1956 Informant becomes Kingdom Ministry

  • chasson

    Informant June, 1945

  • chasson

    Informant July, 1945

    Informant August, 1945

    Informant September, 1945

    Informant October, 1945

    Informant November, 1945

    Informant December, 1945

  • chasson

    Informant January, 1945

    Informant February, 1945

    Informant March, 1945

    1945: Done !!!

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