Actually, i like the ocean/god analogy. Only, in my ocean/god analogy, we as spirits are the little water vapor particles that evaporate and waft off, to experience whatever we can or want in all the infinite possibilities. It's like the water vapor particles coming off the ocean go through all different kinds of formations: they combine together to form droplets, eventually clouds, ice crystals, rain or snow. From the rain, there is anothe rinfinite number of possibilities for the water to go through: many kinds of plants, animals. Snow as well has many possibilities, snow for one winter, or ice to last for centuries. So many variations. Yet, in the end, water goes back to be reunited w the ocean, from whence it came.
The rain drop does not fear the ocean, nor does the snow flake. They eventually form rivers and ruch back to be part of the ocean, once again. There is no fear, no worship, for they are the same substance, though different of form.