Dinah...It has been observed that often times we see more clearly in others weaknesses we ourselves possess (I am agreeing with
you here )
by angel eyes 47 Replies latest jw friends
Dinah...It has been observed that often times we see more clearly in others weaknesses we ourselves possess (I am agreeing with
you here )
Of course I think most of this type of micromanaging behavior on the part of some JWs is due to the mindset that says if the Slave suggests discernment then it is best to err on the side of caution. I happen to be in one of those congregations.
While I have done FS with Brothers, we always are part of a larger group working that territory.
Come to think of it I have rarely ever been alone with a male that wasn't blood related........
Funny I never realized or thought about this......
Thanks AE for the topical thread!
we shouldnt have to take on other people consciences and be worried what others say
We are talking about the organization that doesn't trust it's members to EVER do the right thing without some kind of ruling from Bethel.
"The members won't stay in the hotels unless we threaten the males with removal of cong. privileges. They won't contribute enough money at the assemblies unless we tell them there is a deficit. They must be told what to read and not to read, who to shun. There must be gobs of articles about 'causes for stumbling.' Send a hospital liason committee or at least a few elders to make sure a hospital patient doesn't crack and take blood."
" just me, him, stray cats, and nutria, down by the river side. "
You sure know how to paint a romantic picture Sylvia.
Bethel rule number 261-1637
"If you are stupid enough to be alone in a official Bethel room with someone of the opposite sex, you should leave the door open wide, so passer's by can get a good look at what is going on.
Also, lights are to be kept on at their brightest settings, no dark rooms permitted. If you happen to engage in close contact, be sure and leave enough room for God's holy spirit."
That's what the booklet said. (sort of)
dissed....im laughing....
Bethel rule number 261-1637
"If you are stupid enough to be alone in a official Bethel room with someone of the opposite sex, you should leave the door open wide, so passer's by can get a good look at what is going on.
So it appears that at Bethel you must have an open door for everyone to see in but more so your whole private life becomes an open book !
Since I've been out of the cult I've spent a lot of time alone with girls with whom I've not had sex.
When you are in the cult, and aware of this 'rule', you find yourself alone with a girl and you both know it's time for some action, it makes it much easier to get it on because there is no ambiguity.
ANGEL EYES- After my ex-wife ( non-witness drug addict ) left me and we seperated - 3 months later I was having a cup of coffee with a female friend at a Starbucks. Someone from the congregation ratted me out to the elders and they immediately got a judicial committee together and the 3 of them met with me. I was asked questions like " Did you fondle her breasts ? " I said, " Not at Starbucks I didn't ! " They asked " Did either of you touch each others private organs ? " I said, " What is this- 20 questions ? " LOL! ( Just joking ) They told me, " Brother Flipper you are not scripturally free to date ! " I said, " It's not a date. I was just having coffee with a friend. Nothing happened . " But they kept insinuating differently. One younger elder told me, " Well, Brother Flipper you said you had marriage counseling with your ex-wife- it makes us wonder how seriously you took your marriage if you are out dating 3 months after she left you. "
Needless to say- I was pissed off. I told him I was offended by him imputing wrong motives to me and anybody in my family knew I had tried to work on my former marriage to the non-witness. So- I walked out of the kingdom hall and took my books and never went back. That was 6 years ago. I had my awakening to unjust elders
I think they go way overboard too. But in keeping with their guidelines of no sex before marriage, that's why they behave as they do and make rules such as opposite sex not allowed together alone. If there was no sex before marriage rule, they wouldn't make rules like this. (Hmm, just realised the word 'rules' appeared alot there, perhaps there are too many rules in the organisation!).
Flipper, how awful for you to listen to those kinds of questions. Interrogation more like! I think I would've told them 'this is a joke, I've done nothing wrong' and then walked off like you did.
I too have been in the back seat of a car when given a lift to a meeting by an older brother. It's as if noone trusts anyone to keep their hands to themselves. It's so sad. Sure we all have desires, but we also have self control!