Living by the spirit benefits the individual and those around them.
Are you guided by spirit?
by straightshooter 40 Replies latest jw friends
compound complex
Greetings, Mr. Schipper:
I'd like to think so, despite there being no way to prove a spiritual connection with Deity. All these accounts, albeit anecdotal, of what might otherwise be attributed to mere coincidence - favorable, even "miraculous" occurrences of putative providential protection, material sustenance - would seem to originate from a higher source. My life-long attribution has been "Jehovah provides." Another worshiper expresses it differently.
That's why, in view of Cornelius' having found favor with God before his baptism, I wonder if those who say in order to be saved all must belong to my church are not acting like a judgmental Peter.
So-called apostates can be used and directed by a higher force. Yes?
I'm starting over after 50 years.
Yes, I am indeed... or at least I believe that to be so. Perhaps I am just guided by the right side of my brain.
When I quiet the chatter of my mind enough to listen to that which has no voice, that benefits me and others. I call that Spirit.
May you have peace!
I am compelled by the spirit of God that is in me, holy spirit, which spirit I received from the One that dispenses it, the Holy Spirit, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, the Holy One of Israel and Son and Christ of the MOST Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies... to ask you: are YOU guided by spirit... and if so, which spirit is it that is guiding you? For it cannot be the Holy Spirit. This is because (1) you are yet "touching the unclean thing" and, as a result, (2) are not yet in union with Christ, which is the ONLY way such Spirit can/will guide you. 2 Corinthians 6:14-18; Isaiah 52:11; Jeremiah 51:45-47; Revelation 18:4; John 15:4, 5; 6:56
I await your response... and bid you peace.
YOUR servant and fellow (?) slave of Christ,
May you have peace!
I agree you cannot be unclean and receive holy spirit to guide your life and uplift your spirit.
So, then, how is it that you state you "have the spirits guide." Again, I ask you... which "spirit"? And, again, I must say to you that whatever spirit is "guiding" you, it cannot be the Holy Spirit... because, as you said, you cannot be unclean and receive that Spirit. And you are unclean, so long as you continue to TOUCH the "unclean" thing... which the WTBTS is.
2 Corinthians 6:14-18
Ezekiel 22:1-31; 44:23
Isaiah 52:11
Haggai 2:11-14
Ephesians 5:11, 12
The spirit, the spirit of God, our spirit, it is something we need to understand more fully.
And how... or better yet... from WHOM... do we obtain such understanding? Is it not FROM the Holy Spirit himself?
John 14:26; 16:13, 14
1 John 2:27
Indeed, it is, and I have been granted by that Spirit to relate the following to you, so that perhaps you can begin to "understand more fully."
Acts 18:26
What I am to share with you is limited, however, in that it is up to the Most Holy One of Israel as to whether you are actually able to "receive" it.
John 14:7; 16:15
Matthew 13:11
I would admonish you, therefore, to ask... no BEG... for "eye salve"... in order to do so.
Revelation 3:18
Matthew 7:8-11
Okay, then...
When you say "the spirit," it is assumed that you are referring to holy spirit (and not THE Holy Spirit)... which is the active life force of the Most Holy One of Israel... which is His thoughts, His breath, His blood, and His semen of the Most Holy One of Israel. It is the various means of "life" that is in Him... and by means of which He creates... and brings into the existence and/or TO life... all other life. And the means by which He can bring such to an end. He either (1) thinks it; (2) breathes it into/out of life or life into/out of it; (2) gives it His flesh and/or blood to "eat" and/or "drink" (by means of giving His Son's flesh/blood... which is the same as giving His); or (3) uses His semen. It is His LIFE forces.
Genesis 1:2; 2:7
Exodus 15:8, 10
2 Samuel 22:16
Job 32:8
Job 33:4
Psalm 78:25
Isaiah 42:5
Matthew 1:20
John 5:26
John 6:50, 51, 53, 55
When you say "the spirit of God," you can be referring to three (3) things:
(a) God's holy spirit; OR
(b) His angel, Michael (who is NOT Christ); OR
(c) the Holy Spirit
A. The spirit that is "God's holy spirit" has been set forth above.
B. The spirit that is "His angel"... is Michael, one of the foremost princes. That one was ONE of the TWO angels of the Ark (hence, "arkangel")... the "cherubs" that were "covering." Satan was the other. Michael has stood fast in [union with] the Truth (i.e., remained with his face toward the "Cover," which cover... or "propitiatory"... is Christ). Satan... "did NOT stand fast in [union with] the Truth." As a result, God's angel, Michael, battled with Satan and Satan lost. He was removed from his place of honor... atop the cover/propitiatory... and cast out (of the high heavenly places). Please note, Michael is NOT Christ. Christ is the cover/propitiatory of the Ark [of the Covenant]. Michael was one of the angels that was to "cover"... the Cover. The voice of our Lord is, like the Father's, as the sound of a crowd... or "many waters." The voice of Michael... is as a "trumpet."
Exodus 25:17-21 (see ftn. NWT Ref. Bible re "cover"); compare 1 John 2:2(as to what Christ is in relation to the Ark [of the Covenant])
Daniel 10:21; compare Revelation 1:1, 4:1; 22:8, 9 (as to the identity Michael, whose "trumpet"- like voice is that which goes BEFORE Christ, the King, to announce his arrival)
Daniel 10:6, 17; compareRevelation 1:10, 15(as to Christ)
John 8:44; compare Ezekiel 28:14, 15(as to the Adversary)
C. The spirit that is "The Holy Spirit"... is our Lord, the glorified Christ.
2 Corinthians 3:17(see ftn., NWT Ref. Bible)
I have the spirits guide, only when I work with it.
And, again, I ask... which "spirit" is "guiding" you? For it cannot be the Holy Spirit because in order for THAT Spirit to guide you, you must HEAR that Spirit.... HEAR his voice! However, I do not see you professing such a thing...
However, Jehovah knows our hearts and when we need help, leaning toward wrongdoing, he comes to our aid.
Not quite, and hear is where you have been GREATLY misled by the WTBTS: the Most Holy One of Israel does not come to our aid. Rather, He sent His Son... the HOLY SPIRIT... to aid us. That is why we told to KISS that One. It was not Pharaoh who dispensed the grain, who looked after and fed Egypt... per se. True, it was his grain and it was by his authority that such things took place. But it was JOSEPH who literally looked after the people and literally dispenses the grain. YOU COULD NOT GO TO PHARAOH... or DIRECTLY ASK PHARAOH. You HAD TO GO TO JOSEPH... and it was JOSEPH who was sent to feed and care for Egypt.
The same is true today: it is CHRIST, the Greater Joseph... who comes to your aid. And until you STOP following the WTBTS... which repeatedly, continually, and consistently attempts to GO AROUND and CIRCUMVENT Joseph's authority... you will NOT be able to "partake" of "Pharaoh's"... the Most Holy One of Israel's... "table." Because you are "unclean," by means of TOUCHING an "unclean thing." Thus, you WILL not be fed. Rather, you will hunger and thirst... but you go unsatisfied... until you approach the One with the AUTHORITY... to "feed" you... and to give you LIVING "water," so as to CLEANSE you.
Ask yourself, dear pjschipper: what "spirit" are you REALLY being led by?
I, SA, have shared these things with you, just as I received them from the Holy Spirit, my Lord and master, the Holy One of Israel, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, who is the Son and Christ, of the MOST Holy One of Israel... JAH of Armies.
As always, I bid you peace... and ears to hear, if you so wish it.
YOUR servant, and fellow (?) slave of Christ,
Sorry, a duplicate...
:Are you guided by spirit?
No. I use GPS. It's more reliable.
White Dove
I'm with Baba and Farkel on this one: My brain and GPS guide me.