Talent is TALENT

by AllTimeJeff 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • scotinsw

    Barbra was on Jonathan Ross in the UK last night and performed - never listened to her sing before but she was really really good. Could teach all the singers that go on X Factor and the like a thing or two.

  • Farkel

    Whenever I am talking about singers I like to ask which non-classically trained female singer has the purist voicei?

    Answer: Barbra Streisand

    Barbra used the hurl before she had to appear on stage, she had so much stage fright. Every single time. That is one of the reasons she gave up live performances for so many years. She never lost her stage fright, because being Jewish, she never had the benefit of attending Theocratic Ministry School to help her get over that stage fright.


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