Given the fact that the majority of JW are let’s say less educated than the general population. Whose going to run the hospitals power plants waterworks you know general infrastructure in every country there are JWs after Armageddon or is Jehovah simply going to get the angels to do the grunt work?
I've been thinking!? What happens after Armageddon?
by LucyA 30 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I don't they they've thought it through other than trusting in Jehovah and his magical powers.
White Dove
Brother Thorn is going to get everyone to stone you. Then, you will go to heaven
Well after Armageddon according to Rev. 19:21 the birds will play a big role in cleaning up the earth. It says "And all the
birds were filled from the fleshy parts of them."
Then just a couple chapters later in chap 21 it tells us basically that we won't have need of hospitals and funeral homes
since " God himself will be with them. And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither
will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.”
And there won't be much need for electricity anyhow since people will grow their own food, so no need for all those
grocery stores and storehouses. And you'll have all the time in the world to dig your very own water well by hand
just like the patriarchs of old did. So no need for any water treatment facilities.
And we can all play tag football (not flag football since all flags have been outlawed.)
Of course the football must be made of coconuts since we can no longer use pigskin(no more harming the animals)
I believe Blondie posted this recently:
weirdly although they've spent the last few decades fortelling of the certain doom and destruction and a paradise where they go back to nature, they havent actually prepared for this in any practical way,
i dont ever remember any proper survival skills taught in preparation for Aday or the paradise to follow. agriculture....animal husbandry....long drops...water sytems....foraging etc
on the plus side there'll be fresh protein laying around for a day or two and tins to loot....maybe
What happens after Armageddon? You'll finally have enough time to read anything you want... and then you'll break your glasses.
"Jesus is our leader and King!"- oh, you mean you might be able to talk to Him by then? sinful to talk to Him now but ok after the big A? weird 'king' you have there.
trade fruit for vegetables ~ this you did not know ? oh and kick about with lions and lambs all whilst wearing smart casual clothing ~ who said anything about jesus ? is the materielistic gains were interested in isnt it ~ oh yeah by the way if you jump off a cliff you wont be halmed ~ also suffer from face cramps from constant god given smiles all round ~ also if armagedon have had happened in the 60's only white people would have been able to jump of cliff's trade vegetables smile all the time in a world of materialistic eutopia ~ THERE ARE NO TOILETS IN THE NEWORLD EITHER ~
If only 1 person out of 10,000 survive they won't really need to maintain any infrastructure (eventually the cities would be dismantled). There would be sufficient food left to last for years. Also, with 33,000 people left in the North American continent, they could all pick one city, like in Stephen Kings The Stand, and rehabilitate it. No magical Jehovah is necessary for such a scenario. Life would be more pleasant overall.
PS: Read a few good Science Fiction Doomsday books. Sometimes their scenarios are somewhat realistic.