When I left the Org. the blood issue wasn't an issue for me. My best friend was on the blood committee for years and I could see many cases where either blood wouldn't have saved the person anyways (like when a person is in a serious car accident and their liver is in pieces), or blood actually killed the person and/or hindered recovery.
Then my little nephew got leukemia. He was given fractions and survived. All the other children on the ward with the same condition who were given whole blood, died. His survival was attributed to him getting ONLY what he needed from the blood, with no blood components that would interfere with his recovery. But if had he been born 10-15 years earlier, he would have been given nothing and certainly would have died.
Years before this, though, my grandfather died and I believe it was a blood transfusion that killed him. He had fallen and broken his leg, had to have surgery on it. He was mid-70's and an insulin dependant diabetic. He was not a JW. The doctor wanted to give him a blood transfusion to "pink him up". Those were her exact words. He agreed to it and immediately felt nauseous after getting blood. He couldn't really sit up, so when he vomited, he aspirated some into his lungs and it all went downhill from there. After he died, the surgeon who operated on his leg, said the leg was healing fine.
After reading some of the info and experiences here, I'm not sure how I feel about this now.
Is blood good or bad? Right or wrong?