
by Hikaru 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep
    How would supporting power abuse be being a JW?

    That is not what I said. Why is it that JWs always rephrase something you say into something you never meant and then expect you to discuss that instead.

    You understand syntax when you are hacking, so don't tell me you are incapable of understanding grammar.


    How would supporting power abuse be being a JW? Power corruption is wrong.... And because of my mistakes of being a hacker in the past and taking down the CL forum, Phoenix Forum,
    CLTCG...and other forums through betrayal. Power abuse would be the worst possible thing to do....


    You Decide to Crash Web Sites..


    Are smart enough to do it..


    You can`t make a Decission..On your own Web Site..


    You come here to leave a Link,for your Web Site..

    Which you say your not Advertising,on our Web Site....

    On our Web Site..

    Your full of

    (Sparkly Sh*t!!)

    It go`s nice with your Pink Hair..


  • Hikaru

    What's your problem? And I don't see it as your site. Do you pay for it? No. Do you run the server? No. Did you code it? No.

  • brinjen

    You just don't get it. You're part of an admin team of an internet forum, you get a new member who happens to mention they are an ex member of the religion that you belong to and straight away you're in a spin about whether to ban them or not. You know nothing about this person, you haven't even given them a chance to show you anything about themselves... but you're considering banning them.

    The fact that you're worried about the numbers on your board... are you saying that if you had plenty of posters you wouldn't hesitate in banning that person?

    You're displaying an attitude that says to me you should not be an admin in the first place. It's the internet... you're going to get people registering with opinions and beliefs that are different to yours. If you're so opposed to ex-jw's registering on your site, you should be mentioning that in the sign up agreement in the first place.

    This btw... is coming from someone who admins her own forum.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Hikaru, you should be down at the KH asking the Elders, not asking on a forum mostly populated by exactly the kind of person you are concerned about.

    When you get back from the Hall, post their answer so that we all know.




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