What do you think the Dateline show will do?

by Mulan 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gopher

    This program will only affect the subset of people who pay attention and have an actual open mind, plus a conscience.

    Francois, love that reference to Hairy Charismas. LOL. A good nickname for the Hare Krishnas if ever there was one!

    GopherWhy shouldn't truth be stranger than fiction? Fiction, after all, has to make sense.
    Mark Twain (1835-1910)

  • Mum

    proplog2, I think it may be possible that being a JW might have kept some people from being child molestors. However, I think it entirely possible that being a JW could have made child molestors out of people who cannot openly express their sexuality in healthy ways.

    Will real JW's come forward and tell us?

    Seize the day, and put the least possible trust in tomorrow. - Horace

    I have learned to live each day as it comes and not to borrow trouble by dreading tomorrow. - Dorothy Dix

  • JT

    dungbeetle says:
    It isn't the Jehovah's Witnesses I am hoping to see it...it's all those bible studies and householders viewers I want to hear about. It's far far better to catch them before they fall in the well than spend all the resources trying to get them out when they do.

    and this is the key once a persons accept the FDS and gives up their freewill to question- it is like pulling teeth to get them out

    but as you pointed out the bible student/nonjw will see aside that they have never seen from the wonderful smiling couple on thier doorsteps

    they will see the underbelly of the JW --the side that jw try at all cost to keep from view --much like THE MAN BEHIND THE CURRENT


  • JT

    and in the main will leave the average rank and file JW untouched. Religion I believe is an emotional phenomena and as emotional as the Dateline program will doubtless be, its arguments continue to be to the mind through logic and reason. And as we know, there's nothing logical nor reasonable about religious fanatics like Jehovah's Witnesses.

    THE ABOVE Comment is why i just love this NET "THANG"-
    YOU guys are jamming tonight- this post sums it up so nicely- I find that more and more former jw are starting to realize the role that a High control group exercises over it's members to the point that FACT AND PROOF have very little to do with SEEING AND UNDERSTANDING

    i think in the future we will see less former jw trying to "Prove" something to family with the hope that they will SEE that this ain;t the truth

    I continue to see persons who gather a ton of documents with the purpose of "If only they can see and read this, then i know they will be leaving wt this weekend - as it were"

    and over and over they are told- "Yep the wt got it wrong, the wt did wrong and they even might be DOING WRONG AS WE SPEAK , but i ain;t going nowhere cause i'm going to wait on Jah to straighten things out unmlike you who could not wait on jah"

    and this mindset lives due to the indoctrination processs and THEY SYSTEM WORKS

  • IslandWoman


    I think the Dateline show will have its affect on those JWs who are ready but not among the majority of JWs who are happy with their religion.

    When I was a JW news shows such as Dateline were of little interest to me unless the program was about JWs. If the topic seemed to be anti-JW my defensive armour was fortified to resist any and all missiles from Satan's world!

    Many JWs will do the same with the Dateline show. The problem is that no one has anything better to offer!!! Many are happy with the various volunteer opportunities, and association available in the Organization. I have to say, in the Org. there was no happier time for my family than the time spent helping to build an Assembly Hall! Good work and good friends was the draw!!


  • sadiejive

    I apologize, as I realize this question has probably been asked and answered already. I didn't have time to read all of the responses. What exactly is DATELINE going to uncover?? And when is this show supposed to air? Thanks in advance for the info.


  • Wren

    I've lurked regularly for 5 months. Have not posted as others can express thoughts on topics much better than I. Must respond to this. I am no longer a believer because of this cover up. I have also taken four others(my grown children)with me. Getting this cover up exposed in the national press/media was the catalyst for me to finally seriously question JW religion. We all know or have been burned by the old "imperfect humans" or "isolated instances" lines that cover over any and all manner of corruption. This molestation issue stopped me dead in my tracks. Blatant corruption is coming from the top down for Watchtower image whitewash. Who cares about some abused children? They are expendable when guarding "Kingdom interests". The JW/molest news article made Yahoo search engine headlines last August. This reaches many people. There is no way I would have known the other side except by way of internet(I swear it will be the crash of Watchtower). I am in a isolated place. If I moved to a more remote area, I may as well be in Timbuktu. If wide publicity reached me, with the effect of making the fateful click of the mouse, to really investigate the rest of what they are hiding, it will reach others. I've been active/inactive believer for a total of 40 years. I have digested all manner of corruption and "blinking light" knowledge. Remember it's part of 'suffering long' fruit of the spirit. This cover up and later learning about Malawi/Mexico opened my eyes and allowed me to think with my own mind. (BTW I wrote to Dr. Banda and all the addresses in the Awake, in grade school, sincerely trying to help). My research brought a change to non believer in me, in what seemed like a a couple of weeks. I'll post my story later. I'm posting in secret for now. Just want to say this DB has helped me immensely. I can't thank you Simon and this "community" enough!


  • bluesapphire

    Proplog said: Do you think there are people who would have become child molesters but because they grew up in strong JW families they chose a moral life? When you start attacking a belief system you ought to consider the collateral damage.

    I say: The same can be said of any other religion. And speaking of "attacking" belief systems, the Watchtower has been doing that its entire history not worrying about "collateral" damage.

    That said, being a JW doesn't make a person more moral except in their own eyes. A person who wants to be "moral" will be moral no matter what religion they're in if any at all. It's the individual who makes those decisions and who gets credit, not the religion.

  • Dino

    Bill Harvey Bowen has always said,

    "Its for the kids."

    He is certainly realistic enough to know that there wont be wholesale defections because of Dateline. That would be nice, but it wont happen.

    My dear sister was molested by a career pedophile who was a ministerial servant at the time. I could go on and on about that situation, but I will just say this. After some time she was overwhelmed with guilt and began coming out from under the pedophile mind control game. She went to our mother whereupon she instituted judicial proceedings. He denied it and the VERY next day after the committee meeting was reading the Watchtower from the stage. I was a youngster at the time, but that memory is etched into my brain. He is now dead, but eventually my sister was exonerated when he was caught fondling someone else.

    That was a long time ago and things have changed somewhat (even in the WT) since those days.

    Bill is forcing the WT to change even more drastically in this area. The WT leadership knows full well that some rank and file JWs are going to be asked some very pointed questions about their policies on child abuse and pedophiles after that Dateline airs. No PR boys there to field questions and give a slick lawyer's answer.

    So I gotta say to my old friend Bill,
    Hang in there!
    We love you.


    PS Welcome to the board, Wren

  • voltaire

    Gopher said that the program will only affect those with an open mind. I agree, but I think that is the only realistic goal anyway. Let's make the info available. The rest is up to them.

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