I think for about half of the Elders that it firmly knew who had natural inborn love and compassion, this is buried or set aside because of
all the other requirements from GB (WT) . If there is blame I would tend to pass it along a little higher up as the root cause .
That same mentality has prevailed among men of many lands and in many periods who have excused themselves of guilt in serious injustice by the claim that "they were simply following orders from their superiors." Even the world's courts have rejected such an excuse. How much more should Christians reject it!... Complex quote from WT
Yes I think it it is wrong to pass along blame if you can truly recognize it... however the point I was trying to make is when the "Cult mind"
verses the "natural mind "(Steven Hassan terms ) ...most of the time" the cult mind" overrides as the righteous way or as God's way .
My previous point I think makes clear what" the natural mind" would or should do
I think the key thing rather to ask... are we personally doing what we can to care and protect others from neglect or needless harm ?
Also in this idea of passing along blame there is" community responsibility "for each one of us even as neighbors to do what we can to the
best of our informed knowledge . In the eyes of the courts ... "I didn't know" won't cut it ! ....but in matters of conscience it does hold validity (IMHO)
That same mentality has prevailed among men of many lands and in many periods who have excused themselves of guilt in serious injustice by the claim that "they were simply following orders from their superiors."
As for the case of a man not being found for six days after his death ...I don't think anyone could call this "serious injustice " by following orders from superiors
Then there are two areas (1) sins of commission..(2).sins of omission....if such was "sin of omission' would required some foreknowledge to be guilty of such