Mouthy - were your daughters JWs? You say, " in the end had to obey their husband every whim..." but I don't feel I have to obey anyone, just because and definitely not because of their gender. I hear about this headship a lot, but personally, I don't believe in it, so I wouldn't abide by a decision, especially if he said "Because I'm the man and I said so!" He knows that too
But if you were married. The elders would come & tell you how wrong you are.
Of course they will advice him not to marry you UNLESS you become one
You do what you want. But if you take the little one into this religion dont tell me you love her/him
Of course he is a nice guy.Most JWs are ,I am told all those at Jonestown & Waco were nice also
My daughter was a JW... the hubby wasnt ( reversed from you two_) but then he got baptised to
marry her... Learned the ropes,,, Submission is a wifely duty, She like you wouldnt do all his bidding
And the Elders caused the trouble ....Telling her she was offending GOD. He now is on his 45th live in woman
She,,,, my daughter is very happily married to a man ( she left the WT)who appreciates a good woman
Good Luck my dear