Can you Believe Some of the New Posters on Here?

by lifelong humanist 82 Replies latest jw friends

  • cantleave

    A lot of "newbies" like myself use this board because exiting a highly controlled and structured way of life takes you onto a road of confusion and guilt.

    Someone in that position will know what they want to do, but may have not fully formulated a strategy for moving forward and completely breaking free of the cult. It is so valuable to engage with others who have been through the process, others who can relate to what they are going through. It is important that there is something out there, people who can help.

    If my first post on this board was treated with sceptism and I was called a troll I would have probably thought, the WTS is right, there is nothing outside the organisation. The warm response I recieved (Flipper, Mouthy, All Time Jeff, On the way out and others) helped to move forward far more quickly than I could imagine. My user name reflects how I was feeling when I joined, I now feel that I can leave and I will leave.

    It would be sad if as an individual or as group we frightened someone back to the WTS because we had a feeling that they were not being genuine.

  • undercover

    My first post was met with a mixure of:

    1) Welcome! Glad you're here. Hope we can help you.

    2) Welcome...but we got our eye on you...

    3) Why are you asking us? Do some research

    4) TROLL ALERT!!!

    The people who were warm and welcoming gave me confidence to keep posting but to be honest, those that doubted my sincerity helped in their own way. Posters who were shorter tempered and quicker to call bullshit kept me on my toes. They're the ones that made me research things said. I was already doubting the WTS and researching them, but I learned quick to not believe everything I read here either. And I give that advice to every newbie that comes here: don't take our word for anything. Do your own research and figure it out. We're here to support you as you deal with the pain and stigma of leaving, giving advice and experiences on how we coped.

  • Gerard

    Want certified users? Welcome to the internet.

  • caliber
    Así que permítanme obtener esta recta goldensky ..... ha hecho un solo puesto hasta ahora y públicamente la pregunta de su veracidad porque: 1) Su Inglés es "demasiado bueno" para un hablante nativo de español y 2) No le dijo a todos en a su puesto inicial?

    Nadie está diciendo que no puede ser escépticos, pero es una cosa muy diferente de hacer estas declaraciones poco acogedor a un cartel por primera vez sobre una base tan delgado, y mucho menos comenzar un nuevo tema dedicado a este tema

    Thanks Google translate he he he .. but I do agree with every word above !!


    Chuck E. Loves all the Newbies!

    Especially the Ones..Filled with Cheese!!

    Cheese Cheese


  • StoneWall

    Can you Believe Some of the New Posters on Here?

    I can't even believe some of my own posts when I go back and look over some of them and think I could have probably

    worded that a little better.

    But after all we've been through with the Org. it's hard for me to believe a lot of whats written especially in

    five categories; Watchtowers, internet forums, National Inquirer, newspapers, and Reader's Digest.

  • shamus100


    Well, not really.

  • finding my way
    finding my way

    From a "Newbie" perspective, for me it feels good to be able to share all these wacky little things in my life that people who didn't experience being in the organization might understand and relate to. Maybe some have similar experiences...

    I've waited a long time to be able to talk to people who relate about these things. I've tried talking to non-never-witnesses and even counselors who would like to understand but they don't. I usually get the response "You've been through some crazy stuff". Usually my mind is sort of boggled for a moment because I didn't think it was all that crazy always. Then I realize just how crazy, something as "simple" as having your name annouced in front of a lot of people as disfellowshipped is sort of crazy while you sit in the back by yourself and watch everyone shake their head in sadness. People are on here to share and get feedback. Don't hinder them by accusing them of making stuff up.

    Most everyone I've had responses from have been really friendly and supportive and I've felt already that I can be of some support to others on here. It's a great feeling and maybe I'll post less as time goes on, but for now it feels like I've been given a great new toy to play with and I can't put it down. I'm on this site every day the last few days.

    If there are people on here making up stories, oh well, I guess. Why waste their time? I'm not sure what that would accomplish.


  • daniel-p

    The constant suspicion, I think, is in reaction to the slew of trolls and apologists we've been getting here fairly regularly for the past year or so.

    I guess it's a good sign though... we're doing our job, and a lot of people hate what we stand for: FREEEEDDOOOOMMMMM!!!!! [in Mel Gibson voice]

  • Mickey mouse

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