I currently work for the Writing Committee of the GB and have been asked to write an update to Questions Young People Ask funnily called Questions Young People REALLY Ask.
Could you give me some questions to start exploring?
by wouldacouldashoulda 25 Replies latest jw friends
I currently work for the Writing Committee of the GB and have been asked to write an update to Questions Young People Ask funnily called Questions Young People REALLY Ask.
Could you give me some questions to start exploring?
I wanted a chapter called
Will my parents throw me out of the house if I leave the truth?
Is it pornea if sister hot-pioneeer kisses me on the cheek and I can't stop thinking about those soft, subtle, perfume scented lips when I go to sleep?
Is it pornea if sister hot-pioneeer kisses me on the cheek and I can't stop thinking about those soft, subtle, perfume scented lips when I go to sleep?
Answer: Only if she is REALLY hot.
Is it an unforgivable sin to be at the FS coffee break daydreaming about two hot-sisters kissing but the daydream is interrupted when they ask me what I am thinking about and I make up an answer? Or would telling them what I was thinking about be the lesser of the sins?
C'mon remember back when you were a "youth" and the hormones were raging?
Do I really want to get baptized?
What does being baptized into the organization REALLY mean and do I fully understand it?
What age should I get baptized?
What happens if I no longer want to be a JW?
Goshawk: I can honestly say that I AM a "youth" and I've never quite been that bad... And quite often, depending on who I'm talking to, I will answer honestly about things like that.
Heres one: If we as a family are given the cold shoulder by many of the other families in the congregation, and I'm not allowed to make friends at school, where in the world am I supposed to find friends? (That one bothered me a bunch when I was younger).
Is it an unforgivable sin to be at the FS coffee break daydreaming about two hot-sisters kissing but the daydream is interrupted when they ask me what I am thinking about and I make up an answer? Or would telling them what I was thinking about be the lesser of the sins?
YOu should make up an answer. It is not a lie as they have no right to know. They hould not be so hot in the 1st place. Its called Theocratic Strategy.
Can you PM me some photos so I can be sure?
Do I really want to get baptized?
Hell no
What does being baptized into the organization REALLY mean and do I fully understand it?
It means you hand over to men who whilst sincere are completely crackers and obsessed. If you are askin the question you do not understand. Its like going to a shop without prices. If you ask how much you cannot afford it.
What age should I get baptized?
See 1st question
What happens if I no longer want to be a JW?
You leave and get a llife.
Ok I will quit being silly.
Why is it called Spiritually Mature instead of unduly burdening the congregation when Elders make up nit-picking congregational rules.