"Altai court condemns Jehovah's Witnesses for 'extremism' "
Second Russian Court Rules Against Jehovah's Witnesses
by Kenneson 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Those Russians do not like JW's!!!!
The Russian officials can see the problems that arise from their religious beliefs. JW's are the only ones who don't see the danger they present by viewing people as part of the believers or the unbelievers. By looking at people outside their religion that way they have caused their own problems.
It's kind of ironic to me that Russians are so opposed to the JWs when they let other far right evangelicals run rampant. Some of whom are the most hateful, bigoted people I have ever met. Oh well, one down 99 to go, huh?
judge rutherFRAUD
good news I hope the RUSSIANS put all the top jw's in Russia in jail for life send them to the gulag and stone to death every jw lawyer that lies in court. this makes me so happy . too bad the united states gov't didn't finish off the wts in 1919
Blue Grass
More than 50% of the world's practicing Nazis/Skin Heads live in Russia making Russia the most racist/bigoted country on earth and Russia is also the 5th most violent country on the entire planet, yet the government is concerned about JWs knocking on people's door giving out magazines.
"good news I hope the RUSSIANS put all the top jw's in Russia in jail for life send them to the gulag and stone to death every jw lawyer that lies in court. this makes me so happy . too bad the united states gov't didn't finish off the wts in 1919"
Is this really the kind of messages we want to find here? Messages where one calls for murder?
Some have said that a country might be judged on how they view human rights on how they treat JWs...
I guess the treatment fits russia pretty well.. Because human rights are not held in such a high esteem there.