I'm a newbie as far as delving into information other than WT based, and have only just started posting on this board...so maybe the following thought will be old hat to some of you, not a concern or perhaps something you occasionally think about. But, are you scared to watch the news? Purely for the fact of seeing things go on in the world that would prompt you to think about your Jw upbringing? For instance, the banning of religion, things to do with the UN and the list goes on.
When you see or hear things, do your ears prick up and a wave of fear ripple through you? Like 'maybe the witnesses were right'...?
I suppose the longer one is out of the organisation, the less these things are a focus. That's why I wondered if it's just a thing I'm experiencing because I'm new to leaving. If anyone else out there feels like I do, give us a shout...lol.