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What are your feelings about War?
by wantstoleave 37 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The Almighty Homer
Jw's are the only religion that do not go to War.
That is utter ignorance to the extreme, there many other religions who would not participate in a war. Bullshit JW propaganda.
Those religions have already been mentioned here, so there is no need to repeat them.
And yes war is recognized as a terrible thing and mankind through time as made progressive advancements to stop wars from breaking out,
it was for this reason the league of nations and the now United Nations was formed.
And as for this proclamation by the WTS. that there have been more wars occurring in the last 100 years that ever before
in human history is another of the JWS untruthful formulated lies, a simple study of history right back to biblical times would confirm that.
The WTS publishing company has been exploiting events such as wars, famine, disease, lawlessness, earthquakes etc. to help in the propagation of their literature
which for decades created huge profits, thats one of the reasons why the WTS is worth over billion in assets today, they lied and they still are lying to this day.
Sometimes you really aren't getting the real truth out of people , particulay when they are receiving power and money from that supposed truth !
innocent people blown away or limbs blown off...gross....and all over something a Man or religious group have caused.
but if its a jw armageddon its fine
hey, if youre ever down ashford way gimmee a shout and i'll make you a cuppa.
Being a Vietnam vet, I can agree that war is hell. It is also the opposite of what Jesus taught. By the way, JW's don't officially consider themselves "pacifists". We were always taught that we would defend ourselves and families from attack if provoked. Kind of a loop hole. But, here's a thought for you, why should JW's make such a big deal about war? Won't all of the 144,000 have to particiapate in the killing of men, women, and children at armageddon? If they don't have the stomach for it now, when will they "get it"?
DO not go to war:
House of Yahweh
COuld they be God's org?
DO not go to war:
House of Yahweh
COuld they be God's org?
Probably we could leave the Branch Davidians and the Jonestown followers out of this one...
The Almighty Homer
Why would JWS be so indifferent to murder, when the god that they worship and sing to is the biggest murderer since the beginning
of man's time here on earth.
He murdered the entire inhabitants of the earth at the great flood and he's reportedly going to do this all again soon and then after a thousand years
he's going to murder a bunch more.
The only way to stop getting murdered apparently is to buy and read the WTS. literature and books, CDs, cassettes etc. from his own publishing
house namely the WTS.
If you compile the list of people who Jehovah has killed so for it would look like this.
Thanks for pointing out the other religions that don't go to war....not ignorance on my part (as Homer suggests), I just honestly never knew.
Deputy Dog
God loves Osama Bin Laden and sent His only begotten Son to die for him and you and I.
Do you know something about Bin Laden that I don't?
9 Anyone who claims to be in the light but hates his brother is still in the darkness.
Is Osama your brother? I didn't know you were a universalist.
angel eyes
Jwoods you do not know who will have died in that tower when the end comes. Also whoever Jehovah destroys, he knows far far better than any of us whos worthy and isnt. I dont want to live in a world with dirty rapists, perverts, sick evil people like binlardin....and yes binlardin, i cannot like the man, i cannot forget what he has done....pure sick!!!