A Message Re A Very Interesting Scripture...

by AGuest 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • LouBelle

    Their faithful and discreet slave are the disgusting thing that stands in a holy place. They have raised themselve up to take the place of Christ. They have pushed Christ right out and do not follow him.

    Everyone has an opportunity for truth but they've got to want it and go looking for it. It's not a time to rely on imperfect men to lead - pray to your creator to show you HIS truth.

  • Georgiegirl

    I say this with all due respect and much caring - I appreciate the time and obvious sincerity and enormous patience. You clearly love Jesus. With all of my heart I do NOT mean for this to be insulting, mean, or condescending or doubting of your intentions- I'm asking this with concern...have you ever been evaluated for any type of neurological disease? Because frankly, we are trained that if people are hearing voices (no matter how "normal" those voices are), we start looking for health concerns.

  • LouBelle

    Georgiegirl - I don't think AGuest heard an actual voice booming out of heaven - figure of speach. When someone is moved to do something? But then I'm not AGuest and she can speak for herself.

  • AGuest

    May you have peace (and you, as well, my dear sister in Christ, LouBelle!!

    First, GG, thank you for your concern... and sincerity. I believe you and I take absolutely NO offense at all. Please know... I am fine. Truly. Well, I mean, I'm sure there's SOMETHING "wrong" with me. Let' see: I'm an insulin diabetic (and not always "in control - sigh!)... and I do believe I have a couple of pinched nerves as a result of an accident some years ago (upper right torso, left shoulder)... slightly fractured my left foot a few months ago (slipped on a mat and fell down a couple stairs in my house - OUCH!!) so I have this slight lingering "limp" whene I wear certain shoes/boots... and, ummm... probably need to lose a pound or two (okay, 10 or 20.. okay 30!!)... and... and... oh, yeah, been going through menopause for about a year or so (turned 50 day before yesterday) but that's really only night sweats and nothing more, so I think that's going quite well, actually)...

    And I probably could use with a good neurological exam... besides a couple/few ther exams (LOL!)... just to make sure everything's "in order," you know, no onset of early senior dementia or anything like that... but the likelihood of my penny-pinching HMO approving such a thing is slim to none...

    But I don't think any of these things have anything to do with what I hear... how I hear it... or who I hear it from. I do know it's hard for some to grasp. I get that, truly. Please know, however, that I don't hear that folks have to grasp it. To the contrary, I hear that most won't. On MY end, however, that's not really the POINT. For ME... the point is whether I grasp it... and whether I am willing... to OPENLY SHARE/SPEAK it... as a "DEMONSTRATION"... of MY faith.

    It is "public declaration" and therefore, a demonstration... of MY faith. NOT just that I "believe [in Jesus]," BUT... faith that I hear... faith in what I hear... faith in as to who I am hearing it from... and faith IN the One I am hearing it from, that his words are TRUE. Were I to remain silent, someone else would "speak" it, but I would be shown up for MY lack of faith... that I heard... in what I heard... that I heard it from whom I did... and IN him, that his words ARE true.

    The Holy One of Israel, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, the Son and Christ of the MOST Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies does speak to me, dear one, in [very] low "tones," but I CAN hear him... and his words are ALWAYS true. He has NOT lied to me, yet. He speaks... to ALL of mankind. It is most of US... who don't listen, and so don't hear. Proverbs 8:4-10

    But I can only answer as to... and demonstrate... MY faith. And no one else's. I KNOW what I hear... and from WHOM. So, I "go," and I "speak."
    Whether folks hear... or whether they refrain.

    I know you were sincere. Please... know that I am, as well. No, I don't want to be thought of as sick or crazy, but if that's what people feel they need to think... so be it. The alternative is for me either hide what occurs with me, or lie about. Neither are viable options.

    Again, I bid you peace, and I am YOUR servant, as well as a slave of Christ (really!),


  • AGuest

    To the Household of God, Israel, and all those who go with... may you all have peace!

    In light (no pun intended) of the recent "light" (pun absolutely intended) regarding the generation of 1914, et al., issued by Mr. Barr at the WTBTS' Annual meeting, would you not say that such "light" is indeed very "dark"? Darker even than the words of explanation that came before them?

    They are vague, ambiguous, obscure, opaque, unclear, misleading, FALSE... as well as open to ANY subsequent "interpretation" their leaders will wish to give them. Unfortunately, their "loyal" members will NOT be able to "see" through them... because not only are such words "dark"... but the ones putting faith in them... are "blind." The darkness, then, is even greater.

    Pray that they seek the True Light... so as to buy from him "eyesalve"... holy spirit... to rub in their eyes:

    John 8:12 Revelation 3:14, 17, 18 Revelation 19:11

    May JAH have [even more] pity on them.

    A slave of Christ, who wrote just as she was directed (Revelation 21:5), whether "they" hear... or refrain


  • Farkel


    The GB didn't listen to the Bible. They didn't listen to Jesus, and they didn't listen to God. They most certainly won't listen to you, then.

    There are only two things that make them listen, 1) poor cash flow and 2) the point of a gun. Their priorities are also in that order.


  • Georgiegirl

    Thanks for not taking offense - there is no easy way to ask that question and especially not on an anonymous forum! I'm glad you could see it was made out of genuine concern. I have to say that your reaction on the GB annual meeting thread made me laugh out loud - you would have to be sane to be able to write it that way! ;)

  • AGuest

    (Shaking head) and it's a darn shame, ain't it? So many lives... lost, ruined, hijacked, shanghai-ed, bamboozled, thrown asunder, torn apart, wrecked... and shipwrecked. Due to the crafty "wormwood" of their Pharisees... and the lying "stylus" of their scribes.

    Too bad, too bad... you great city!

    Where can I get an AK... nevermind - don't have it in me. May the smoke from her devastation soon rise.

    Peace to you, my dear one.

    Your servant, sister, and a slave of Christ,


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