Hello, I'm new here

by daveyJones 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Thi Chi. How do you know Ray isnt a LYING APOSTATE??
    He might be reproducing versions of WTs that hes altered at midnight under the direction of his Satanic Majesty.
    Original source...its the only way to KNOW for sure...

    I will shut up now, dont want Davey to think Im an asshole....

  • garybuss

    Hi Davey,

    Really only two questions that really matter.

    1. Do I like being a Witness?

    2. Or don't I?

    If I like being a Witness and living the Witness life, I won't care about disconfirming evidence. I'll continue being a Witness and drift in and out of enthusiasm along with the majority.

    If I don't like being a Witness and living the Witness life, I will find a reason to leave. It will be almost impossible to keep me there. If I am kept there temporarily by threats of economic or social sanctions, I will fake compliance, never contribute money and look for my chance to jump ship.

    Best wishes to you,


  • orangefatcat

    welcome Davey-Jones.

    The real truth prevails here, trust us

  • sadiejive

    Hi Davey!!

    Welcome. I'm new here too...trying to sort through the truth. I'm afraid I don't have any "words of wisdom" to share with you. Unbiased opinions are next to impossible to find. We are but people and most of us have a difficult time being completely "unbiased" . What has been brought to your attention that is making you so distraught? My advice would be go directly to the source (if that is possible). If it is the doctrine you question, look into your bible...and not just at what someone has TOLD you to read but really investigate. The facial hair thing really gets me...not that I have facial hair...LOL. It's just where is that in your bible? Perhaps, I have difficulty understanding that one because I came from a very "relaxed" pentecostal background. We actually wore jeans to church...AND (on Weds nite to youth services) shorts ...LOL.

    Good luck to ya, Davey!!!


  • Yerusalyim

    Hello. Okay, so I'm not really from Cameron, I'm nineteen and from the Midwestern U.S. Somebody asked if I like being a Witness, and my response is no, with this simple, crystal-clear answer: No girlfriends from outside the organization! Whatever. Somebody also asked me what the most disturbing thing I found out about the Society was. I guess that would be the Society allowing bribery in Mexico, while elsewhere in Malawi at the same time, our brothers and sisters over there were getting killed. I call that double standards. Plus, whoever it was with some harsh words to Yerusalem, please don't get into an argument with him, because I know him personally. Here's another thing: I have read bits and pieces of Brother Franz's book, but I've never actually sat down and read the whole thing.

    Thanks for the responses everyone, I appreciate them


    "Vanity! It's my favorite sin!"
    [Al Pacino as Satan, in "DEVIL'S ADVOCATE"]

  • Unclepenn1

    Hey Davie, I am glad that you are here. If I were you, I would read as much as possible about the org, from a source other than the WTB&TS. Go to freeminds.org for starters. Perhaps look into other sites and see if the info you are getting corroborates. Also, read the scriptures. They were written *for* you and *to* you and not to some elite group of men somewhere in NY. I would also recommend reading Ray Franz's book 'Crisis of Conscience'. It is well written and not geared towards slamming people in the org, but rather towards a desire for truth in a world of man made religion and legalism. Email me me if you want to talk. I have lots of information to share myself. ( [email protected])

    God Bless,


  • Yerusalyim

    "Davey" and I have just discovered that since we use the same computer, our logons got mixed up. No I'm not Davey, but for those of you who have read my posts in the past, you'll probably figure out how he is related to me.

    Be nice to him He's a good boy.


    No, I don't pick on all strangers, just those stranger than myself.

    "Vanity! It's my favorite sin!"
    [Al Pacino as Satan, in "DEVIL'S ADVOCATE"]

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