Demons and Satan have no power, James said it best, "resist the devil and he will flee".
Satan and demons...? To any who believe in them.
by angel eyes 97 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Of course, there was a time when nearly all of us believed in the reality of a Satan and demon possession, because it was part of the package of beliefs that we accepted as our faith. There being no Satan would mean no original sin, no ransom, no Gen 3.15 , no kingdom to put it all right again.
Why do I not now fear a Satan in the sense that The J W's teach it? How would I complete the sentence " I do not believe in Satan and the demons because.....?
Well....It is hard to put into words. I suppose it is because my rational mind tells me that things happen without there being an evil force orchestrating them. I see the superstitious nature of those who believe in it.
Of course the same book that tells of the love of God and of Christ also tells of a devil....but it is the understanding of it that is all important. I cannot entirely disprove the existence of a devil , but I do not fear either.
After all, I cannot entirely disprove flying saucers and "X Files" conspiracies but I do not believe in them either.
I find it very hard to believe that AE went (as a woman) and preached in churches????? And the fact that a church would allow that.....I don't know - I find it very very hard to believe.
didnt all the kh's have at least one,eat it breathe it live it as if your life depends on it aboveandbeyonder, that spent every possible moment being extra zealous, that you ended up avoiding going on the doors with them like the plague? or was it just at my local.
we had one in our hall, she was very lonely in spite of being a lovely lady who meant well, but she just didnt know when to be appropriate, fortunately i dont think it ever occurred to her that the jws although polite to her in general (well the ones that werent sniggering up their sleeves) found her a total embarrassment.and they certaily weren't forthcoming in wanting her at any of their houses or get togethers.
i did try and go out on the doors with her because i felt sorry for her but she could put you in physical danger from the way she rubbed people up on their own doorsteps or where ever else she collared them. part of me wondered if she actually realised or whether she was getting off on it and it was a personality thing. she certainly attracted more than her fair share of 'persecution' and it was a nightmare to retrace any of her recent routes.even the other pioneers who were usually quite happy to work with anyone the rest of the time would make their excuses.
i often wonder if shes still peddling round on her pushbike pioneering on her own. she must be getting pretty old now.
angel eyes
loubelle, yh i did witness in the churches before i relaised we werent meant too lol, the joys when your new in the truth :)
but the vicors didnt like it so i stopped, elders told me to stop too.
Deputy Dog
angel eyes
People fear satan and the demons because of the danger they can cause, yes we have Jah's protection yet the demons can still influence us and mislead us.
You never really answered my question.
What's the worse thing a demon or satan can do to a JW?
I have always wondered what Satan could do if he thought a Christian's prayer was directed to him. That's one reason why JWs are told it is soooo important to use the name Jehovah in prayer.
Angel Eyes - you preached in church - which means you stood up on the stage or in the front and preached to the congregation? or did you stand there with your magazines as they went in to church (I'm trying to understand your definition of preach as well) I still find this very hard to believe - I'm sorry, it sounds made up.